General Overview:
Between January and 22nd July 2024, heavy windstorms (44), flooding (34), and firebreak (97) incidents directly affected 36,134 HHs (183,792 individuals) across 92 IDP sites in 18 LGAs across Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe states. These incidents resulted in varying degrees of damage to camp infrastructure, including shelters, safe spaces, and WASH facilities (latrines and showers). The sector also recorded incidents of forceful evictions due to unresolved Housing, Land, and Property (HLP) issues across the three states.
All of these occurrences, an increase of 7% from the same period last year, triggered increased demand for human- itarian responses, increasing the vulnerability of the already displaced populations. As of 22nd July, 4% of the affected population had received some form of shelter and NFI responses. Overall, the multi-sectorial response was inadequate across the affected sites.These caseloads put strain on the already overstretched response for over a million IDPs across the three states.
Floods or windstorms recorded in 49 IDP sites damaged a total of 22,928 shelters, leaving 20,612 households (20,566 HHs in Borno, and 46 HHs in Adamawa) in immediate need of shelter.
This year's rainy season forecasts heavy rainfall and windstorms that could significantly affect people in camps and host communities, impeding humanitarian aid access while increasing demand across identified flood-prone areas. According to the Flood Vulnerability Mapping analysis, an estimated 167,251 households (representing 710,988 individuals) reside in 148 areas highly susceptible to flooding, necessitating urgent humanitarian assistance across Borno (162,571 HH), Adamawa (2,608 HH), and Yobe (2,027 HH). Additionally, 1,228 locations hosting 1,070,552 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and IDP returnees within host communities are also at risk.
The CCCM, Shelter and NFI Sector is focusing on strengthening early response capacity and underlying prepared- ness actions based on the anticipated shocks to avoid further threats to vulnerable individuals. Priority humanitari- an needs include shelter, NFIs, access to clean water and sanitation, food, health care, and cash interventions to prevent or address disease outbreaks, such as cholera and malaria. In areas where the different is displacement triggers have decreased, the sector's response would focus on recovery.