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Northeast Nigeria Humanitarian Response: Health Sector Bulletin - November 2022



Borno State: The total number of confirmed cases as of 22nd December, 2022 was 12,496 while 12,106 have recovered and discharged. The state has recorded 390 (288 confirmed and 102 suspected) deaths. 0 cases are on admission with current bed occupancy of 540. Cases are from 17 LGAs with 14 LGAs been inactive and Jere reporting the highest number of cases follow by Dikwa, Konduga, Bama and the rest of the LGAs. Dikwa recorded the highest number of death follow by Bama. CFR stands at 3.1% while coordination has been going on three times a week, partners are currently supporting response with active case search been done at the community level using house-to-house approach. State RRT conducting investigation at the high burden LGAs. Drugs and essential commodities are been distributed to hotspot LGAs by both the state ministry and the sector partners. Some of the general challenges are: poor geographical terrain and insecurity leading to difficulty to conduct an active case search in some communities by the RRT; poor environmental hygiene; returnees are not screened at the point of entries leading to spreading of the disease from inaccessible areas.

Adamawa State: The total number of confirmed cases as of 18th December, 2022 was 231. Cases are from 6 LGAs (Guyuk, Shelleng, Yola North, Yola South, Numan and Girei) with Shelleng reporting the highest number of cases follow by Numan and Guyuk LGAs. No Cholera case has been reported for over 30 days from the hotspot settlements. De- escalation of Cholera response activities have been initiated by the PHEOC and measures are put in place to declare the outbreak over by the state government. PHEOC meetings ongoing and active case search and case management are ongoing in all 6 affected LGAs. Some of the general challenges are: inadequate WaSH facilities across all affected LGAs; WASH partners presence is low in all affected LGAs; poor environmental hygiene; inadequate ORPs and poor health seeking behavior in the affected communities; limited motorized campaigns.

Yobe State: The total number of confirmed cases as of 25th December, 2022 was 2,326 while 2,257 have recovered and discharged. The state has recorded 69 (8 confirmed and 61 suspected) deaths which amount to 2.97% CFR. Zero cases are on admission with current bed occupancy of 220. Cases are from 11 LGAs with Gulani reporting the highest number of cases follow by Gujba and Fika LGAs. Fika, Gujba, Gulani and Damaturu recorded highest number of death respectively. Some of the activities ongoing are: investigation of alert and line listing of suspected cases in all affected LGAs; coordination meeting at both state and LGAs level involving all partners, SMoH, NCDC deployed team from the national level; jingles and RCCE ongoing; scaling up of team deployment to response to active case search. Some of the general challenges are: Inadequate commodities and resources to sustain large WASH activities in communities and health facilities; few partners (Health and WaSH) presence; Insecurity is affecting surveillance and WASH activities in the remote location; Lack of designated and equipped CTC settings in the affected locations has increased severity of cases.