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Northeast Nigeria Humanitarian Response: Health Sector Bulletin - February 2024



The public health situation is marked by the ongoing multiple outbreaks: measles, diphtheria, cerebrospinal meningitis, and Cholera.

Epi Situation:

• Diphtheria (Grade 2): From W1-W8 202, 417 suspected diphtheria cases and 16 deaths (CFR 3.8%) were reported in the BAY States in 23/65 LGA (Adamawa 2 cases, 0 deaths; Borno 271 cases, 14 deaths;
Yobe 144 cases, 2 deaths).

• Measles: From W1-W8 202, 2182 suspected measles cases and 17 deaths (CFR 0.8%) were reported in the Bay States in 37/65 LGAs (Adamawa 53 cases, 0 deaths; Borno 2026 cases, 17 deaths; Yobe 103 cases, 0 deaths).

• Cholera: From W1-W8 2024, 7 suspected cases of cholera and 0 deaths were reported in Borno State (Ngala 5, Konduga 2 LGA).

• Cerebrospinal Meningitis: From W1-W11 2024, 1237 suspected cases and 40 deaths (CFR 3.2%) were reported in the Bay States in 18/65 LGA (1216 suspected cases and 37 deaths in Yobe State; 9 suspected cases and 1 death reported in Adamawa State; and 12 suspected cases and 2 deaths in Borno State).

The efforts of the government and partners are ongoing to curve the outbreaks and enhance the preparedness and readiness in the non-affected areas. The mains challenges comprise: the possibility of halting of the hard-toreach mobile teams’ activities due to lack of funding in the BAY States; declining partners presence due to government directives and dwindling funding while high caseloads of IDPs needs continue to persist; and more MEN C vaccine to the be allocated in Yobe as Response to CSM Outbreak.

Coordination & Leadership:

• The data collection for the Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring of the health sector northeast coordination team was successful, and the preliminary report is under review at the subnational level to develop the final report, including an action plan.

• Mobilization of the health sector partners to support Yobe State in the Response to the CSM Outbreak: UNICEF, SCI, ACF, MSF Spain, Core Group, and WHO are providing support in their respective areas of expertise in outbreak response.