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Northeast Nigeria Humanitarian Response: Health Sector Bulletin - December 2022



Borno State: A total of 12,377 confirmed cases, 390 deaths (CFR: 3.2%) and 12,089 recoveries reported in 2022. Cholera has been declared over officially within the state.

Adamawa State: A total of 231 confirmed cases, 2 deaths (CFR: 0.87%) and 229 recoveries reported in 2022. De-escalation of Cholera response activities have been initiated by the PHEOC and measures are put in place to declare the outbreak over by the state government.

Yobe State: A total of 2,326 confirmed cases, 69 deaths (CFR: 2.97%) and 2,257 recoveries reported in 2022. Partners are waiting to hear from the government about de-escalation as well as official call to showcase the cholera is over.

HPC Cycle 2023: Humanitarian Need Overview and Humanitarian Response Plan documentation has been complete and awaiting publication. The health sector was able to analysis various available dataset. All the BAY (Borno, Adamawa and Yobe) states contributed to these processes and concluded that 5.8m people are in need of humanitarian health assistance and the sector is considering 4.3m people as her target. To also buttress this, 20 partners was able to submit 26 projects on the project module ( 23 of these projects was approved by the sector; 3 approved and pending with other sectors because they are inter-sectoral projects.

Attacks on Health Care (AHC – SSA): The sector IMO in collaboration with SSA team at the global level follows up on different reports of attacks related to health care and services and provide details report into the reporting system.