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North-East Nigeria: Humanitarian Situation Update, January 2018


Now in its ninth year, the humanitarian crisis in north-east Nigeria remains massive in scale due to ongoing hostilities: 1.7 million persons remain internally displaced, human rights violations continue to be reported daily, and the food security situation remains extremely concerning as conflict continues to limit the amount of land under cultivation and 3.7 million persons are expected to face critical levels of food insecurity during the upcoming lean season (June through September). Although 2017 saw many positive developments – such as the containment of the cholera crisis in Borno State, the establishment of five humanitarian hubs in the field, the roll-out of a local coordination mechanism, and many sectors reaching their targets overall – without sustained assistance, all gains could be lost and the situation could quickly deteriorate.

Large-scale displacements continue to take place in Borno State and northern Adamawa State, with influxes in January of newly arrived persons in Gwoza (3,842), Mobbar (2,950), Nganzai (2,583), Monguno (2,214), Ngala (1,903), Mubi South (783), Konduga (675), Askira/Uba (560), Kukawa (460), and Bama (421). Between late October 2017 and late January 2018, over 40,000 vulnerable persons have been on the move for various reasons including ongoing hostilities, improved security in certain areas and poor living conditions. While assessments are still ongoing in these hotspot areas, rapid assessments and gap analyses have been developed and initial findings show that thousands, including host communities, are in dire need of food, water, shelter, blankets and clothes, and medical care. A multi-sectoral response has been possible through the rapid response mechanism and humanitarian organisations have scaled up their advocacy and resource mobilisation activities in order to meet the needs of the affected people. Additional displacements are expected for as long as hostilities will continue as newly arrived persons report that many more families remain in areas that are hard to reach for international humanitarian workers.

Humanitarian access continues to present major challenges, especially in Borno State. It is estimated that some 926,000 persons remain in areas that are hard to reach for international humanitarian organisations. Through civil-military coordination and community engagement, aid workers are working to expand the humanitarian space in north-east Nigeria. In addition, to improve local coordination and last-mile assistance, and increase the presence of humanitarians where vulnerable populations are living, to date, five ‘deep field’ humanitarian hubs (Maiduguri, Ngala, Dikwa, Bama and Gwoza) offering secure accommodation and Internet connectivity have been made operational. Another three (Monguno, Damasak, Banki) are expected to be fully operational by March and another one, in Rann, by April, bringing the total to nine.

In January 2018, humanitarian partners started implementing the activities outlined in the Humanitarian Response Plan, based on priorities and vulnerabilities identified in the Humanitarian Needs Overview. A total of 60 organisations have committed to implementing 173 projects aimed at providing in life-saving assistance to 6.1 million women, children and men in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states. The total funding requirements for 2018 stand at US$1.05 billion.

Although funds received in 2018 are extremely low for most sectors as of 31 January 2018, with only 1 per cent ($13 million) of the requirements met, most partners were able to continue to provide life-saving assistance in January thanks to about $196 million carry-over funding from 2017. However, for the response to be sustainable and to avoid interruption in life-saving services, it is crucial that additional funding be received across all the sectors.

This year the response will also focus on durable solutions, early recovery, livelihoods and basic services rehabilitation, across all sectors, to support a multi-year vision that goes beyond saving lives today.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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