Response Highlights (2018)
761 households have received emergency shelters while 415 households received reinforced/transitional shelters solutions.
3,111 households reached through Improved, basic and complimentary NFI Kits.
67,927 individuals have been biometrically registered since January 2018.
151 households have beeen reached through Cash/Voucher for Rental while 500 have been reached through Cash/Voucher for NFI
As a new year started, the sector is working on the revision of the sector annual strategic action plan and guidance for 2018 as aligned with Humanitarian Response Plan 2018. It includes the review of the Information Management strategy, sector strategies on cash modalities, security and safety infrastructures in and around idp settlement, reception management,fire prevention and response strategy.The review of shelter panel of solutions based on beneficiary feedbacks as well as field operational missions to support partners to respond to land unavailability issues resulting in congestion, particularly in Konduga, Jere, Dikwa, Gwoza, Damboa, Monguno and Ngala. Fire outbreaks were recorded in Monguno, Jere and Rann, affecting over 100 families in three different IDP camps. New population movements were recorded in January, with Gwoza (3,842), Mobbar (2,950), and Nganzai (2,583) having the highest number of new arrivals, followed by Monguno (2,214), Ngala (1,903), Mubi South (783), Konduga (675), Askira/Uba (560), Kukawa (460), and Bama (421)*. In response to the large arrivals in Gwoza (Pulka) as well as central areas of Borno State (Nganzai, Magumeri and Konduga), the sector worked in coordination with partners on the development of the response strategy and resource mobilisation through the Nigerian Humanitarian Pool Fund Reserve Allocation. Most of this population movement is triggered by AOG and military operations.
As new arrivals were recorded in Pulka, the shortage of water and congestion on transit site raised important concerns, as over 1,200 households were recorded in a short period of time, with a similar situation in Nganzai, Borno State. Movements in Northern Adamawa LGA’s bordering Borno State, such as Michika and Madagali and Southern LGAs of Borno, such as Askira/Uba represented concerns in terms of rapid response, in view of limited number of partners operating in the locations. In some camps, the utilization of cash incentives for community volunteers tend to polarize and demoralize camp committees.
The sector therefore worked with other sectors, in particular WASH, FS and Nutrition and partners to review its policy. Military operations have accelerated the influx of new arrivals resulting in overstretched camps and host communities. Due to security constraints, camp establishment have been reduced in several locations. Decongestion efforts have been made difficult due to reluctance from IDPs to go into newly set-up camps, such as in Ngala, Banki, Rann, Dikwa, Pulka and Monguno.
The situation is not expected to get better in the next month in view of operations, creating large movements of populations form inaccessible areas, in particular by the Sambisa areas, which will overstretch limited capacities in central areas of Borno. With lack of prepositioning of NFI and common pipeline mechanisms and a demand largely outweighing the supplies on the ground, the response has been largely affected and required a large resource mobilisation to respond to gaps.
In January, partners provided shelter solutions to 1,176 households while NFI items were delivered to 3,111 households with loose items and full NFI its, based on needs. The increase of NFI rapid response was mobilized in view of large scale movements of populations in central areas of borno, Such as Nganzai, Konduga, Magumeri, Monguno, Pulka and also northern Admawa. Shelter response continued in Mafa (175), Dikwa (400), Konduga (361), Jere (240). Correspondingly, biometric registration continued to take place in specific locations such as Jere (Custom area), Pulka, Nganzai and Monguno in response to large scale population movements, bringing the total of individuals biometrically registered since the beginning of the exercise to over 1,474,218 individuals.
Site facilitation support, through mobile and dedicated camp management support continued in 135 IDP sites (5 in Yobe, 19 in Adamawa and 111 in Borno) hosting a total of 610,971 people in camps.
The NFI TWG met to strategize the assessments, revise the NFI lifespan to guide the response and reporting modalities for 2018. In view of large gaps, the sector will continue to prioritise the shelter response in central areas of Borno and Pulka, to respond to the current gaps and needs assessed. This includes the refilling of contingency stocks as well for rapid NFI response as well as establishment of communal sheltering strategy to address immediate needs, waiting for the construction of locally-adapted shelters. In addition, and following field monitoring visits on the ground and focus group discussions to capture beneficiaries feedbacks on shelter response, the sector will be prioritising tailored-made and climate adapted solutions to face the next months.
Partners have also been working to tackle the new displacement challenges by providing gap analysis and mobilising resources in key prioritised response locations. Regular field and operational monitoring missions remain a priority for the sector to further support partners on the ground, establish reception functions and mainstream CCCM related approaches.