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Nigeria + 1 more

Nigeria – Refugee Influx from Cameroon (DG ECHO, UNHCR) (ECHO Daily Flash of 22 December 2017)

  • Tensions between security forces and anglophone communities in the Akwaya region of South West Cameroon have intensified in November resulting in casualties amongst the civilian population and security forces.

  • As of 16 December, UNHCR has biometrically registered 7 204 arrivals in remote areas of Nigeria’s Cross River State and indicated that thousands more are awaiting registration. Some 70 per cent of the registered asylum seekers, mostly women and children, come from the area of Akwaya. They are hosted by local communities near the border. But, as the unrest in Cameroon continues and more asylum seekers arrive, UNHCR is concerned that the local population’s capacity will soon be stretched to its limits.

  • UNHCR and partners have developed a contingency plan for an estimated 40 000 new arrivals from Cameroon.