Between 1 and 6 December 2024, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), the Plateau State Emergency Management Agency (PLSEMA), and the Nigerian Red Cross Society (NRCS), identified 19 locations in Plateau State that were impacted by floods or received internally displaced person (IDPs) due to the flooding. Through a network of several key informants and field focal points, and in close coordination with other humanitarian partners and local authorities, the assessments was jointly conducted in these locations to provide insights to the government and humanitarian partners on the affected population's primary needs, vulnerabilities, and mobility intentions.
In the nine (9) local government areas (LGAs) of Plateau State that were assessed, the joint assessment team identified 4,556 individuals in 906 households that were affected by the floods. These individuals included both IDPs and residents who were impacted by the floods but remained in their affected communities. The affected population included 83 individuals and 40 returnees. Three per cent (3%) of the affected houses were habitable but needed repair, two per cent of the houses were partially damaged but needed repairs, and less than one per cent of the houses were completely destroyed. In 84 per cent (84%) of the locations assessed, crop farming was among the main sources of income.