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Nigeria | Floods: Simplified Early Action Protocol Annual Report (sEAP №: EAP2022NG01 | Operation №: MDRNG035)



The IFRC Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) allocated CHF 220,000 for the implementation of anticipatory actions to reduce and mitigate the impact of Floods in Nigeria in August 2022. This simplified Early Action Protocol includes an allocation of CHF 206,573 to preposition stock and undertake annual readiness activities to implement early actions, if and when the trigger is reached. The early actions to be conducted have been pre-agreed with the National Society (NS) and are described in the simplified Early Action Protocol [IFRC GO - Emergency].

This report summarizes the annual readiness and prepositioning activities done during the reporting period.

Chronology of Activities

Project inception meeting

In kick starting the sEAP activities, an inception meeting was organized in January 2023 by IFRC project manager to achieve overall understanding of the project. The DREF team members introduced the project to both NRCS and IFRC staff members to enable them to understand their various roles in the project. The team made presentations on the project overview, objectives, and strategies for implementation. NRCS and IFRC staff members from finance, procurement and logistics, disaster management, CEA/PGI, and PMER attended the meeting. Questions raised were answered and next steps discussed to the understanding of the participants who pledged their support to the project. The team went further to develop the project implementation plan with tentative timelines and shared it with focal persons. A total of 11 staff members (7 NRCS and 4 IFRC) attended the meeting.

Meeting with stakeholders

A meeting was held with the relevant government stakeholders to brief them on the project and the need to coordinate efforts towards a successful flood emergency management and response. The meeting was held in the NRCS conference hall on 10 August 2023. The partners were briefed on the Anticipatory Action approach of IFRC and how the project will be rolled out. The stakeholders present include Nigeria Meteorological agency (NIMET), Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA), and Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs (FMHADMSD). The partners also presented on their various activities and gave contacts of focal points in their organizations for further engagements.

Selection of program implementation locations

The prioritized geographical areas for the simplified EAP (sEAP) are Adamawa, Kaduna, Kwara, Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Benue, Nasarawa, Delta, Kano, Yobe and Taraba. After comparing the Climate Center forecast with the data from NIHSA annual floods outlook (AFO) and NIMET, four states were selected, namely Adamawa, Akwa Ibom, Edo, and Nasarawa out of which three will benefit from the sEAP implementation depending on the states where the trigger is activated. The four states were predicted to experience heavy floods in the months of July, August, and September 2023.

Training of NRCS branches

A virtual meeting and training of trainers was organized with the twelve branches comprising of branch secretaries, disaster management, communications, and CEA officers. A total of 36 staff members attended the training. The branches were trained on CVA selection criteria, registration, emergency evacuation, Code of Conduct, PGI and PSEA. The training was conducted by the IFRC project manager and supported by NRCS CEA and DM focal points. The training was conducted to introduce the Programme to the staff and volunteers and to train the branches on the implementation.