Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) allocated:
The Federation's mission is to improve
the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It
is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers
are active in over 180 countries. For more information: www.ifrc.org
In Brief
This document is being issued for information only. The Federation is not planning to issue an appeal, but CHF 10,000 is required to cover the cost and transport of the cholera kit that was dispatched to the National Society. This kit is being used to provide humanitarian relief to the victims of the suspected cholera outbreak. The Federation encourages support to the current Nigeria Annual Appeal (no. 01.32/2003).
The Situation
According to most recent reports (21 September) from the Nigerian Red Cross Society (NRCS), approximately 2,889 people are now known to have been affected by the floods, with 35 deaths caused by a suspected cholera outbreak, which is affecting 22 villages in the remote location of Talata Mafara, Zamfara State, northwest Nigeria. The NRCS, with support from the Federation, has been responding to this outbreak since 10 September. The area is 200 km from the Red Cross branch and radio communications. Heavy rains have compounded the access and communications to the areas where the numbers of those affected are continuing to increase despite concerted efforts by the NRCS.
Red Cross and Red Crescent action
The NRCS immediately responded to reports of cholera in Zamfara State by assisting the government in assessment and information dissemination. Initial reports revealed suspected cholera cases in three villages in the state. The NRCS mobilised volunteers who have been trained in Community Based First Aid CBFA) who were involved in sensitisation to raise awareness regarding the situation. As the situation deteriorated the NRCS requested support and assistance from the Federation in the form of a cholera kit and supplies to ensure a timely and most effective intervention. An amended plan of action was launched and is being implemented by the NRCS in the following key points:
- deployment of an experienced zonal health officer to lead the response at the local level.
- advocacy, liaison and support with the local authorities including the 3 referral medical centres.
- increasing the volunteer capacity through rapid recruitment and training of more volunteers.
- reproduction and distribution of more IEC materials on cholera in Hausa and English.
- health education campaign and active case surveillance.
- transport and referral of patients to treatment centres.
The cholera kit arrived in Lagos on 20 September and has been transported initially by air and then road to the area. The medical items are being used by the 3 local medical centres, which are each admitting up to 90 patients and treating between 100 - 1,000 cases per day. The outpatients are being given oral rehydration salts (ORS) supplied by the NRCS and UNICEF. Hygiene supplies and ORS from the kit are being distributed within the communities for use as required.
The NRCS liaised with the local authorities to assist in responding to the humanitarian needs, and has contacted the local UN offices for support (with Federation support). UNICEF is supplying ORS. ICRC have offered logistics and communications support. Technical support is being offered from the Federation's Regional Office and Geneva. Reporting systems have been established in an effort to monitor and respond most effectively to the situation.
Efforts to mobilize Red Cross volunteers o t raise awareness and sensitise people regarding the situation is ongoing. Over 100 volunteers are currently active in the area and more are being recruited and rapidly trained to assist in responding to this situation. The volunteers are involved in the following activities:
- House to house sensitisation in the
most affected areas with mobilisation and sensitisation in non-affected
neighbouring areas (mosques, schools and market places are the target places).
- The NRCS are using a variety of methods to transmit messages in communities including culturally sensitive leaflets, which were rapidly reproduced to be used for communities as appropriate. Messages are being transmitted via a megaphone in areas where there are local language constraints.
The situation continues to be closely monitored. The plan of action is to be implemented until 30 September, although this will be reviewed and modified by the NRCS and the Federation as required.
For a full description of the National Society profile, see www.ifrc.org
For further details please contact
- Nigeria Red Cross Society in Lagos; Phone: + 234-01-2695189,7738955,8046374; Fax: + 234-01-2691599; email: Nigerianredcross2003@yahoo.com
- Federation Regional Office, Lagos; George Bennett, Head of Regional Office; Phone: + 234-001-2695228,2696682,2673453; Fax: + 234-01-2695229; email: ifrcng02@ifrc.org
- Mark Willis, Regional Officer; Phone: + 41 22 730 4260; Fax: + 41 22 733 0395; email: mark.willis@ifrc.org
All International Federation Operations seek to adhere to the Code of Conduct and are committed to the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response (SPHERE Project) in delivering assistance to the most vulnerable.
For support to or for further information concerning Federation operations in this or other countries, please access the Federation website at http://www.ifrc.org
For longer-term programmes, please refer to the Federation's Annual Appeal