Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) allocated:
The Federation's mission is to improve
the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It
is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers
are active in over 180 countries.
In Brief
This document is being issued for information only. The Federation is not planning to issue an appeal , but CHF 10,000 is required to cover the cost and transport of the cholera kit that has been dispatched to the national society, and is due to arrive in Lagos today. While no other assistance is needed from donors for this operation at this time, the Federation encourages support to the current Nigeria Annual Appeal (no. 01.32/2003).
The Situation
Continuous rainfall in Kaduna State (northern Nigeria) in the month of August and September caused the Kaduna River to overflow its banks on 6 September, resulting in flooding which destroyed over 2,000 properties (residential buildings and business premises), as well as farmland and basic infrastructure. Approximately 2,500 families were made homeless.
The flood affected heavily populated areas in Kaduna city itself, and nine other Local Government Areas (LGA's) in Kaduna State. Nigerian Red Cross Society (NRCS) and Government assessments identified a total of 10,600 displaced persons in the state. While the floods in Kaduna State have abated, there was concern in 20 LGA's of Adamawa State over an imminent flood disaster as the Cameroonian authorities alerted the state government on Monday that excess water was being released from the Lagdo Dam. The local NRCS branch is prepared to respond in case of need.
Red Cross and Red Crescent action
In the wake of the flood, the Kaduna State branch mobilized 70 volunteers to intervene in the disaster. The volunteers carried out rescue operations (evacuations of vulnerable persons to safe areas), cholera awareness activities, and gave first aid assistance to those injured. The volunteers used safety jackets provided by the Nigerian army to rescue trapped victims.
The NRCS is particularly focused on and involved in cholera prevention activities. Reports to date indicate a total of 175 people have been affected in the following three villages in the Mafara local government area, with 6 deaths reported:
- Zangon Tudu: 55 affected, 1 death.
- Unwala village: 55 affected, 5 deaths.
- Kadarbe village: 65 affected, no deaths.
The cause of the outbreak is not specific (described as food and water contamination), but no source is revealed. 31 volunteers have been active in assisting the government in assessment and information dissemination. The information dissemination focused on environmental hygiene, ORS preparation and clean water. Information was disseminated by use of health education materials in some areas and, where Hausa (the local language) or English is not understood, by relaying messages via a megaphone. The NRCS assisted in isolating those most affected, and the volunteers have reached a total of 4,959 people.
Responding to an NRCS request, the Federation has ordered one cholera kit to ensure a timely and effective intervention should there be a more serious outbreak of cholera.
The 2,500 displaced families were relocated to the Nasarawa Rehabilitation Centre, Government Secondary School, Nasarawa and Mando Pilgrims Camp, while those injured were taken to the hospital. Red Cross volunteers are presently in the three camps providing relief, first aid, tracing and psychological assistance to the IDPs.
The NRCS also mobilized the sum of =N350,000 provided by the British Red Cross Emergency Relief Fund to provide cooked food to the displaced. Basic non-food materials such as blankets, mats, plates, and spoons were also provided to those in need.
Government Action
The Government deployed people from the armed forces to join in the rescue operation, and secure property, while the State Government also provided a temporary camp to house over 1,000 displaced persons. The Kaduna State Government also created a special committee, including Red Cross representatives, to coordinate relief efforts. Other agencies action Save the Children (UK) supported the local Red Cross branch with two of their vehicles to enhance mobility, while the Civil Defence Corps also took part in the rescue operation. The UN and Médècin Sans Frontière have also given assistance.
For a full description oft he National Society profile, see www.ifrc.org
For further details please contact (field to provide/complete relevant contact details):
- Nigerian Red Cross Society Lagos; Phone 234-01-2695189, 7738955, 8046374 ; Fax 234-01-2691599 ; email: Nigerianredcross2003@yahoo.com
- Federation Lagos Regional Office/ George Bennett; Phone 234-01-2695228, 2696682, 2673453; Fax 234-01-2695229 ; email ifrcng02@ifrc.org
- Mark Willis, Regional Officer, Phone 41 22 730 4260; email: mark.willis@ifrc.org
All International Federation Operations seek to adhere to the Code of Conduct and are committed to the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response (SPHERE Project) in delivering assistance to the most vulnerable.
For support to or for further information concerning Federation operations in this or other countries, please access the Federation website at http://www.ifrc.org
For longer-term programmes, please refer to the Federation's Annual Appeal.