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Nigeria + 2 more

Nigeria: Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) - Summary of Movements in Borno and Adamawa States, Dashboard: 411 (16 - 22 December 2024)



The DTM Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is deployed to track and collect information on large and sudden population movements, provide frequent updates on the scale of displacement and quantify the affected population when needed. As a sub-component of the mobility tracking methodology in Nigeria, ETT utilizes direct observations and a broad network of key informants to capture the best estimates of the affected population per location, enabling targeted humanitarian response planning.


The ETT figures reported are not cumulative of all the affected persons thus far but rather provide a snapshot of the current displacement situation on the date indicated. The data and information reported on this dashboard are related solely to the movements caused by the triggers on page two between 16 – 22 December 2024.