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Nigeria: CCCM/Shelter/NFI 2016 Year Review Factsheet


Reporting period: January to December 2016


Throughout 2016, the humanitarian situation in Nigeria has been dynamic and the sector made important gains in strength and reach. The increase in access to LGAs in Borno and Adamawa, due to military operations, also revealed the overwhelming humanitarian needs, and drove a scale up of the humanitarian response. Despite limited access by road, the arrival of helicopters allowed new areas to be reached by international humanitarians, with CCCM and shelter partners now delivering live-saving shelter and NFI assistance in 15 LGAs in Borno State. Given that nearly no assistance was provided outside of Maiduguri in early 2016, this is a notable achievement – more people in urgent need have been reached by the sectors. In line with these improvements in access and the broader recognition of the urgency of the humanitarian situation in North-East Nigeria, the number of CCCM, shelter and NFI partners increased from 10 to 15 partners.

In 2016, the Government initiated a revision of the coordination structures. CCCM was rebranded Displacement Management Systems (DMS) to reflect the response in and out of camps, as well as the link toward durable solutions, under the lead of the National Bureau for Statistics, and was merged with the Shelter NFI Sector for the North East. The centre of gravity of the response shifted from Abuja to Maiduguri, in the North-East, where the Sector is led by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), with the support of IOM and UNHCR. Technical committees have been initiated such as the Cash-for-Shelter/NFI TWIG, supported by CRS, ad-hoc technical shelter meetings to refine the shelter options in 2016 and a CCCM task force for site planning and coordinated interventions.

Context and Response:

Out of the 146,059 households supported with Shelter/NFI related assistance in 2016*, 87,076 families were reported to have been assisted with NFI kits and 34,258 with additional items. An additional 3% of the response used the cash/voucher approach as a modality: these were pilots, and cash is now growing as a proportion of the response overall. Rental subsidy, for example, was first trialled in 2016. 14% of the overall reported response* was in shelter, with the vast majority being emergency shelter. 78% of the shelter response was provided in camps and 22% in host communities with the remainder provided in areas of return. In 2016, 486,312 IDPs were biometrically registered. Over 9,000 IDPs were relocated to Bakasi camp. Site facilitation, in support of Government camp management, was extended to 37 camps, in Borno and Adamawa, to facilitate monitoring and referrals. Several sites were improved following assessments and site planning interventions. The Displacement Tracking Matrix undertook location based assessments, with nearly 2,000 locations assessed in the 6 States as of December 2016, including IDPs sites and host communities, to inform the response.