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NCDC Weekly Epidemiological Report: Volume 9, No. 43: 21st - 27th October 2019


NCDC Activates Emergency Operations Centre for Yellow fever in Nigeria

Since the first of August 2019, Nigeria has recorded an increase in the number of yellow fever cases in Katsina, Bauchi and Benue States. To ensure a well-coordinated response and quick control of the outbreak, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) activated a national Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) on the 5th of November 2019. This was followed by immediate deployment of RRT to support response activities in the three affected states. The EOC has representatives from the Federal Ministry of Health, National Primary Health care Development Agency (NPHCDA), and development partners- World Health Organization, US Centres for Disease Control, United Nations Children Fund, African Field Epidemiology Network and Georgetown University.

Since September 2017, Nigeria has recorded suspected cases of yellow fever in all 36 States of the country and the Federal Capital Territory. In line with the Eliminating Yellow Fever Epidemics (EYE) strategy, NCDC, NPHCDA and partners have focused on the following:

  1. Strong coordination of laboratories providing laboratory confirmation

  2. Rapid deployment of Rapid Response Team for immediate investigation of confirmed cases

  3. Rapid mobilization of entomology team for the survey

  4. Rapid development of ICG request for reactive vaccination

  5. Case management support

  6. Preventive mass vaccination campaign

  7. Increased risk communication activities

Yellow fever is a completely vaccine preventable disease and a single shot of the yellow fever vaccine protects for a lifetime. In Nigeria, vaccination against yellow fever is primarily through the routine childhood immunisation. Where necessary, catch up campaigns are carried out to increase population immunity. The yellow fever vaccine is available for free in all primary healthcare centres in Nigeria as part of the routine childhood immunisation schedule. We encourage every family to ensure that children receive all their childhood vaccines.

In addition to the vaccine, the public is advised to keep their environment clean and free of stagnant water to discourage the breeding of mosquitoes and ensure the consistent use of insecticide treated mosquito nets, screens on windows and doors to prevent access for mosquitoes. Especially, hikers, park visitors and people engaged with activities in the wild are encouraged to be vaccinated against yellow fever. It is important to avoid self-medication - visit a health facility immediately if you feel ill.

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) remains committed to working with NPHCDA and other partners to ensure the prevention and control of vaccine preventable diseases. Yellow fever is preventable- play your part by getting vaccinated.

Summary of Incidents

  1. Information for this disease was retrieved from the Technical Working Group and Situation Reports

  2. Case Fatality Rate (CFR) for this disease is reported for confirmed cases only

  3. Information for this disease was retrieved from IDSR 002 data

  4. CFR for this disease is reported for total cases i.e. suspected + confirmed

  5. Information for sentinel influenza was retrieved from the laboratory