This new Lake Chad Programme Strategy (2018 - 2023) outlines Plan International’s bold ambition to transform the life of girls and their families in the Lake Chad Region. It moves beyond a humanitarian vision towards a full spectrum programme, working at the nexus of humanitarian and development efforts to promote children’s rights and gender equality.
The overall programme goal statement for the 2018 – 2023 strategy period is “Girls and boys in the Lake Chad region are resilient and realize their rights in safety and with dignity”. This will be achieved through the following Strategic Programme Objectives (SPOs):
Ensure and maintain equal access to relevant safe, quality and inclusive education for girls and boys in the Lake Chad region.
Improve the protection of girls and boys from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation in the Lake Chad region.
Promote the economic rehabilitation and empowerment of adolescent girls and youth in the Lake Chad region.
Promote effective participation, empowerment and leadership of adolescent girls and youth in the Lake Chad region.
In Cameroon, a Plan International staff member takes a young girls arm measurement - it shows she is no longer malnourished.
To achieve the ambition set out in this strategy, the LCP will apply different programme and influence strategies. Plan International will:
Continue to provide direct assistance including cash and vouchers to the affected population to alleviate suffering and to protect them.
Work at the nexus of humanitarian and development efforts through a full-spectrum approach including investments in social cohesion.
Build resilience to ensure that girls, boys, and their communities are able to deal positively with shocks and stresses affecting them and adapt to future shocks and stresses.
Transform social norms, attitudes and behaviours by analysing and challenging structural and systemic gender inequality and girls’ rights issues and ensuring that all projects are at least gender-aware, contributing to an overall gender-transformative LCP.
Influence on the basis of evidence with girls at the heart of this approach.
Actively pursue a strategy of widening and strengthening our partnerships and networks among relevant state and non-state actors.