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Nigeria + 4 more

Lake Chad Basin Situation Report on Polio Eradication (December 2017 - January 2018)



The Lake Chad basin region continues supplementary immunization activities and disease surveillance efforts to guard against the continued threat of poliovirus transmission.

Key highlights

  • The detection of wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) (Borno, Nigeria in 2016) and circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) (Borno and Sokoto states in Nigeria in 2016) continues to pose a risk to the neighbouring countries of the Lake Chad basin.

  • Outbreak response efforts continue across the Lake Chad basin, together with activities to fill subnational surveillance gaps across the region.

  • Phase 3 of outbreak response was implemented in January, taking into account the recommendations made during the November Outbreak Response Assessments in the countries and the Technical Advisory Group on Polio Eradication (TAG) meeting in December. The objective is to bolster the multi-national, regional outbreak response across the Lake Chad basin region, in particular improving operations and surveillance in hard-toreach areas and populations.