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Nigeria + 4 more

Lake Chad Basin - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #12, Fiscal Year (FY) 2018



• Yobe State health authorities declare cholera outbreak in Bade LGA

• Relief actors reach 2.4 million people with emergency food assistance in northeastern Nigeria during February

• Approximately 27 percent of the population in Lac, Chad, may experience Crisis or worse levels of acute food insecurity from June–August


• The Yobe State Commissioner for Health declared a cholera outbreak in Nigeria’s Bade Local Government Area (LGA) in early April. Health actors recorded more than 340 suspected cholera cases in the state, more than 95 percent of which were from Bade, between March 28 and April 16.

• In March, the UN World Food Program (WFP) expanded its pre-positioning capacity in Borno State in anticipation of increased access challenges during the upcoming May-to-October rainy season. USAID/FFP partner WFP provided cash-based or in-kind emergency food assistance to an estimated 1.2 million people in northeastern Nigeria’s Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe states during the month.

• In mid-April, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) called for an end to attacks on schools in northeastern Nigeria, noting that Boko Haram elements have abducted more than 1,000 children in the region since 2013.

• A recent Cadre Harmonisé (CH) analysis—a tool used in West Africa to classify and quantify food insecurity—forecasts that nearly 27 percent of the population in Chad’s Lac Region could face Crisis—Phase 3—or worse levels of acute food insecurity from June–August. During the same period in 2017, approximately 21 percent of Lac’s population faced Crisis or worse levels of acute food insecurity.