As part of the IDP relocation programme issued by the Borno State Government (BSG), the IDPs residing in Farm Center Camp were relocated to their LGAs of origin. On 02 September 2021, the Borno State Government (BSG) commenced the relocation of the IDPs residing in Farm Center Camp, located in Dusuman ward in the Jere LGA of Borno state. Following this event, a rapid assessment was conducted by DTM field staff in order to capture these IDP movements, inform the humanitarian community and enable targeted assistance to the BSG. Flash reports utilise direct observation and a broad network of key informants to gather representative data and collect information on the number, profile and immediate needs of the repatraited population.
An estimated number of 23,782 individuals or 4,323 households were relocated from Farm Center Camp to various locations in the state. Parts of the IDP population organised the relocation themselves, others were assisted by the Borno State Government. Of the total IDP movement, 9,536 individuals or 1,656 households relocated to locations in the LGAs Jere, Konduga and Maiduguri M.C. The great majority are currently residing within host communities in Maiduguri Town. IDPs originating from the LGA Konduga have relocated to their locations of origin. The remaining 14,246 individuals or 2,667 households were relocated to camps and camp-like settngs in the LGAs Bama, Dikwa, Jere, Mafa and Ngala as shown in the table below. The relocation towards Ngala LGA is still ongoing as there has been a delay on the transit.