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International Workshop on Improving Civil-Security Cooperation (CISEC) in Humanitarian Interventions in the northeast


Conflict zones are often difficult environments for humanitarian operations and the relationship between humanitarian and security actors can often be tense and fraught with mistrust and miscommunication.

This situation is most often due to ineffective communication structures and the ensuing challenges impact on interaction at the policy and strategic level, but also at the operational/ tactical levels. The tension and mistrust between the Military and Humanitarian organizations in North Eastern Nigeria is a specific example of this situation and has, in recent times, led to the Military suspending the activities of some International Non-Governmental Organizations. (INGOs)

While the mandates and guiding principles of the Nigerian Army and Humanitarian actors in the North East are distinctively different, they all play significant roles with the overriding security operatives of the region. The goal of maintaining peace and providing security whilst the Humanitarian Actors provide relief and support to the millions of displaced people in the North East is of paramount importance.

Therefore, it is essential that both the Military and Humanitarian actors in the North East work alongside one another, with each complementing the efforts of the other. Ensuring proper understanding, cooperation, and coordination of Security and Humanitarian activities in the North East will result in better cooperation and impact positively on peace keeping and humanitarian aid and support in the North East.

To ensure this positive impact, the following critical workshop event will be taking place.

What: The International Workshop on Improving Civil –Security Cooperation (CISEC) in Humanitarian Interventions in The North East.
Who: For operational experts from government, military, academia, international and national nongovernment organisations (NGOs) and the international community.

Participation at the event is STRICTLY BY INVITATION.

Where: Maiduguri
When: 6th to 8th November, 2019

Why: i. Identify issues that hinder information sharing and common priorities and complementarity between security institutions and humanitarian organisations.

ii. To recognize challenges in implementing the existing CISEC frameworks and to put forward strategies to overcome such challenges.

iii. To outline a plan of action defining the responsibility of security institutions and humanitarian agencies in implementing the proposals on cooperation.

For further details and media opportunities: Please contact - 08063390420