The Food Security Dashboard tracks and reports on food security situation and number of people reached with various food security interventions. During the period, Dashboard showed that 1,568,850 vulnerable persons were reached with different food security related activities or interventions.
The following are the breakdown of activities/interventions as per the three key FSS objectives of food assistance, livelihoods and agriculture production inputs, as detailed below:
i. Food Assistance Interventions (in-kind and cash-based transfers) - 1,368,361 people were reached with various food assistance interventions implemented by partners. This figure is expected to increase significantly through the on-going scale-up of food assistance by WFP and partners through its rapid response mechanism, targeting food insecure population in both accessible and hard-to-reach areas.
ii. Livelihoods-53,636 people were reached with various livelihood activities and interventions including small-businesses/entrepreneurship, income generating activities and training.
iii. Agricultural production inputs-146,853 people were reached with agricultural production inputs including seeds, tools, fertilizer, livestock (small ruminants re-stocking) and training n Borno, Adamawa, Gombe and Yobe