Key figures
21,291 Cameroonian refugees are registered in Nigeria as of 31st May 2018 Cross River (17,003) Benue (3,525) Akwa Ibom (179) Taraba (584)
524 refugees relocated to Anyake settlement, Benue state
11,757 refugees reached with three-time food and NFIs distributions in Cross River state
605 refugees have received shelter assistance in Cross River state
1,635 refugees provided with medical assistance including 36 surgeries in Cross River state
Funding USD 24.8 million required for the Cameroon refugee situation in Nigeria.
On 22nd May, 331 Cameroonian refugees were relocated to Anyake settlement (Kwande Local Government Area, Benue State) from border areas. On 1st June, a second relocation of 193 refugees took place. These first relocations are part of the relocation plan that aims to transfer more than 21,000 refugees in safer locations away from the borders. Refugees received food and non-food items (blanket, mat, soap, jerry can, bucket, kitchen set and sanitary pads) upon their arrival to the site and they benefited from temporary shelters, water access and sanitation facilities.
On 1st June, a US Delegation undertook a fact-finding visit to UNHCR office in Calabar on the Cameroonian refugee situation. The purpose was to meet stakeholders (Government, Nigeria National Commission for Refugees, refugees and UNHCR) to ascertain the facts surrounding the Cameroonian refugee situation, progress and gaps in delivering protection and assistance.
From 14th to 17th May, the Head of Office of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and UNHCR undertook a joint monitoring mission to Obudu, Obanliku, Cross River to assess the situation of Cameroonian refugees and project monitoring of the Anyake settlement, Kwande Local Government Area.
Refugees continued to cross into Nigeria fleeing violence in North- West and SouthWest regions of Cameroon. Most of them are women and children and rely on already scarce resources of hosting community for food and shelter. Water sources are also scarce. More funding is needed to provide protection and satisfying basic needs.
UNHCR Response
During the reporting period, UNHCR partner Rhema-Care, distributed food rations to 688 refugees in Obudu Cattle Ranch (Cross River state). Distribution in other locations (Obanliku, Ikom, Boki, Etung and Akamkpa Local Government Areas) was being planned.
Between 26th and 28th May, 250 urban refugees were registered with biometrics in Calabar by UNHCR and the Nigeria National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI). Beforehand, UNHCR and NCFRMI staff were trained on ProGress Data Management Tool and Biometric registration. Biometric registration aims to verify the refugees already reached by Level 1 registration, register newcomers and refugees in remote locations. As a result, refugees will receive identification documents, which are an essential protection tool. Biometric data collection will also help to deliver targeted assistance.
On 30th May, UNHCR and partners developed a borehole in Anyake settlement that will be run on solar power, providing a sustainable source of clean and safe water for both the refugees and host community. Currently, water is trucked from a river 7 km away from the settlement and chemically treated on site.
In Benue State, during the week of 14th – 20th May, a capacity building workshop was organized for 30 refugee volunteers and 18 protection monitoring staff of UNHCR partner Foundation for Justice Development and Peace (FJDP) - Catholic Diocese of Makurdi. The training empowered the participants with skills to administer basic Psychological First Aid and counseling services for Sexual and Gender – Based Violence survivors.