Summary: 3 February 2012, Brussels - The European Commission has approved funding for projects that will work towards further stability and security in the Niger delta region and give young people there better perspectives for their lives. Programmes will provide training and employment for young people, help in fighting corruption and organised crime and improve access to drinking water and better sanitation. The EU will also strengthen the Nigerian justice sector and the electoral cycle and support governance reforms. One important aspect of the new support will be to strengthen Nigeria's capacity to manage its own funds.
Andris Piebalgs, Commissioner for Development, commented: "This new support demonstrates the importance the EU attaches to its relations with Nigeria as the dominant political and economic force in West Africa and a key player on the African continent. The grant will assist Nigeria to consolidate peace in the Niger Delta, improve governance, reduce poverty and make progress towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals."
The EU grant is provided within the framework of the EU 2011 Annual Action Plan for Nigeria under the European Development Fund and amounts to a total amount of €478 million. It comprises the following 8 projects:
EU Niger Delta Support Programme (€200 million). The overall objective of this programme is to mitigate the conflict in the Niger Delta by addressing the main causes of unrest and violence - bad governance, (youth) unemployment, and poor delivery of basic services. Examples for key activities include:
- employment for youth in road maintenance and refuse collection
- grants to technical and vocational colleges
- support (including training) for improving public management systems
- support measures for improving access to safe, adequate, and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene
Support to State and Local Governance Reform Programme (€60 million). This programme aims at improving transparency, accountability and quality of public finance and human resources management systems in six so-called EU focal states - Anambra, Osun,CrossRiver, Yobe, Jigawa andKano. The programme will build the capacities and processes of these states in public finance programming and management, and at local level, towards improvement in social services delivery.
Support to Anti-corruption in Nigeria (€35 million) will contribute toNigeria's anti-corruption efforts. It will strengthen the institutional and operational capacity of the main anti-corruption agencies in the country and provide them with effective support to coordinate their activities, formulate policy and prepare legislation. Activities will include: capacity building in policy-making; training and technical advice; direct support to initiatives that enhance public participation in the fight against corruption (e.g. public campaigns or others).
EU support to the Justice sector (€27 million) aims at improving governance, promoting the rule of law and protecting fundamental human rights. Under the programme the technical capacity of the judiciary, the prisons as well as the forensic and investigative capacity of the Nigerian police will be strengthened. The outcome will be an effective, accessible and fair justice system for all Nigerians. Concrete activities include, among others: Provision of teaching aides and operational support for prisons and judiciary; establishment of judicial research centres; creation of appropriate prison record and court case management systems.
Support to the Nigerian electoral cycle 2011-1015 (€20 million). Under this programme technical assistance, training and material support will be provided to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Civil Society Organisations and other relevant stakeholders so that they can better fulfil their respective roles throughout the electoral cycle.
Support to Federal Governance Reform in Nigeria (€20 million). This is to support the government's reform programme of public service administration and enhance service delivery. The programme will, among other things, strengthen the capacity of the government for policy planning, revenue generation, performance monitoring and development of statistics.
Fighting drugs and organised crime in Nigeria (€36 million). This programme will promote security inNigeria through activities such as advice, training, provision of hardware and software and information sharing. It will supportNigeria's efforts to fight production, trafficking and use of drugs, and curb organised crime in the country. It will help with policy formulation, in drug legislation, improvement of law enforcement capacity in drug control and treatment and care services for drug addicts.
Water Supply and sanitation sector reform programme, Phase II (€80 million). The objective is to increase access to safe, adequate and sustainable water supply and sanitation and contribute to poverty reduction and achievement of the water-related Millennium Development Goals in six EU focal states. Activities cover legal advice to the State ministries, capacity building for stakeholders to implement the water law and implementing and supervising water supply works contracts.
For more information please contact:
Mr. Macrae David Ambassador, Head of Delegation
Phone: (00234) 4617800-7
Fax: (00234) 4617836