Performance indicators (Epi Week 26):
In Epidemiological Week 26 2018, a total of 21 out of 21 LGAs (including 06 IDP camps) submitted their weekly reports as timeliness and completeness of reporting were 100% and 100% respectively at LGA level (target 80% timeliness, 90% completeness).
Measles: 01 case of suspected measles reported with cumulative case count of 386 and 06 deaths. CFR is 1.6%
AFP: 01 case of AFP reported with cumulative case count of 155.
YELLOW FEVER: No case of suspected YF reported and cumulative case count is 08 CSM: No case of suspected
CSM reported and cumulative case count is 31 with 10 deaths. CFR stands at 32% Cholera 137 cases of suspected
Cholera reported and cumulative case count is 1577 with 26 deaths. CFR stands at 1.6%
LASSA FEVER: No case of suspected Lassa Fever reported, cumulative case count is 13 and 05 deaths. CFR stands at 41.7%
MONKEY POX: No case of suspected monkey pox reported and cumulative case count is 06 with 01 death. CFR is 16.7%
NNT: No case of suspected neonatal tetanus reported and cumulative case count is 05.
Activities Done
Detection and surveillance on IDSR diseases in 21 LGAs of the State through DSNOs and network of surveillance focal sites.
Conducted supportive supervision in the cholera treatment unit in Maiha General Hospital. 7 health workers were offered on the job training on triaging, management of cholera and how to monitor patients on admission
Monitoring of cholera situation in the State. 137 new cases reported in week 26. Total case count now stands at 1577 with 26 deaths.
House to House (H2H) active case search on suspected Cholera cases using ODK gps from Android phones to map house visited in Mubi North, Mubi South and Maiha LGAs respectively.
Supportive supervision to eIDSR focal sites in Mubi North LGA.
Resolved technical issues with the use of mobile phones for reporting IDSR in 2 Health facilities in Mubi North,
Betso PHCC and PHCC Mijulu. -
Focal person for surveillance in Betso PHCC was changed because of he could not demonstrate adequate capacity as a surveillance focal person. A new person was identified and trained.
Planned Activities
Continuous surveillance and case detection on IDSR diseases at LGA levels.
Contact tracing, active case search and risk communication on Lassa fever and Cholera.
eIDSR supportive supervision in 27 selected HFs across 5 LGAs of Adamawa State.