Performance indicators (Epi Week 19):
In Epidemiological Week 19 2018, a total of 21 out of 21 LGAs (including 06 IDP camps) submitted their weekly reports as timeliness and completeness of reporting were 100% and 100% respectively at LGA level (target 80% timeliness, 90% completeness).
Measles: No case of suspected measles reported with cumulative case count of 382 and 06 deaths. CFR is 2% AFP: 03 case of AFP reported with cumulative case count of 137.
YELLOW FEVER: No case of suspected YF reported and cumulative case count is 07 CSM: No case of suspected CSM reported and cumulative case count is 31 with 10 deaths. CFR stands at 32% Cholera 11 cases of suspected Cholera reported and cumulative case count is 11 with 3 deaths. CFR stands at 27%
LASSA FEVER: 02 case of suspected Lassa Fever reported, cumulative case count is 08 and 05 deaths. CFR stands at 63%
MONKEY POX: No case of suspected monkey pox reported and cumulative case count is 06 with 01 death. CFR is 16.7%
NNT: No case of suspected neonatal tetanus reported and cumulative case count is 05.
For Monthly IDSR (Apr, 2018), a total of 21 out of 21 LGAs submitted their monthly reports but cumulative timeliness and completeness of reporting is 95% and 100% respectively at LGA level (target 80% timeliness, 90% completeness).
Malaria (Jan – Apr): At end of March 2018, 131606 cases of suspected malaria were reported with 48 deaths representing 2948 of reported morbidities per 100,000 population.
Acute Watery Diarrhea (Jan – Apr): At end of March 2018, 3414 cases of AWD were reported with 05 deaths representing 76 of reported morbidities per 100,000 population.
Acute Respiratory Infection (Jan – Apr): At end of March 2018, 3876 cases of ARI were reported with 01 death representing 87 of reported morbidities per 100,000 population.
Malnutrition (Jan – Apr): At end of March 2018, 2746 cases of Malnutrition were reported representing 62 of reported morbidities per 100,000 population.
Activities Done
Detection and surveillance on IDSR diseases in 21 LGAs of the State through DSNOs and network of surveillance focal sites.
One suspected case of Lassa fever reported by a PHC. Patient died before sample could be collected. 9 contacts listed and are being monitored.
Outbreak response to suspected Cholera in Mubi North and Mubi South LGAs of Adamawa State.
2nd batch of 20 HWs were trained on eIDSRs. Training now completed and all identified 27 health facilities have been given a configured phone to commence electronic reporting of IDSR.
Planned Activities -
Continuous surveillance and case detection on IDSR diseases at LGA levels.
Contact tracing, active case search and risk communication on Lassa fever.
Sample collection and transportation on suspected case of Lassa Fever reported from the one of the 9 contacts being monitored currently.