Performance indicators (Epi Week 17):
In Epidemiological Week 17 2018, a total of 21 out of 21 LGAs (including 06 IDP camps) submitted their weekly reports as timeliness and completeness of reporting were 100% and 100% respectively at LGA level (target 80% timeliness, 90% completeness).
Measles: 07 cases of suspected measles reported with cumulative case count of 366 and 06 deaths. CFR is 2% AFP: 05 case of AFP reported with cumulative case count of 131.
YELLOW FEVER: No case of suspected YF reported and cumulative case count is 06 CSM: No case of suspected CSM reported and cumulative case count is 31 with 10 deaths. CFR stands at 32% LASSA FEVER: No case of suspected Lassa Fever reported, cumulative case count is 06 and 04 deaths. CFR stands at 67% MONKEY POX: No case of suspected monkey pox reported and cumulative case count is 06 with 01 death. CFR is 16.7% NNT: No case of suspected neonatal tetanus reported and cumulative case count is 05.
Activities Done
Detection and surveillance on IDSR diseases in 21 LGAs of the State through DSNOs and network of surveillance focal sites.
Daily EOC Meeting on Lassa Fever outbreak response.
Contact tracing, active case search and risk communication done daily.
Training of 28 HWs in Lassa fever case management.
Monitoring of contacts of suspected cases. 3 contacts have completed 21 days
2 new cases of suspected Lassa fever cases were reported. Lab result of one of the cases was negative while the other is pending.
EOC has secured toll-free lines for the reporting of epidemic prone diseases in the State.
Planned Activities
Continuous surveillance and case detection on IDSR diseases at LGA levels.
Daily EOC Meeting on Lassa Fever outbreak response.
Contact tracing, active case search and risk communication.
Training of Selected DSNOs, HFs personnel on start-up of eIDSR reporting from 27 HFs across 5 LGAs.
Challenge(s) – Specific to Lassa Response
Reports of relatives of confirmed case being discriminated in school.
JOHESU strike makes isolation of suspected cases difficult because volunteers have to be engaged to care for cases on admission.