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Niger + 2 more

WFP Niger Country Brief, November 2017



  • On 24 November, WFP Niger held a debate session on gender-based violence to launch “the 16 days of activism” campaign.

  • WFP nutrition activities are facing critical funding gaps and treatment activities risk to come to a halt in 2018 without immediate funding.

  • Results of the Regional Plan for Prevention and Management of Food Crises (PREGEC) published on 29 November highlighted, "A mitigated end of the campaign in the Sahel with prospects of an early and difficult lean season in pastoral areas” of Sahel countries including Niger.

Operational Updates


The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) visited Niger from 21 to 23 November to monitor progress of mVAM projects targeting refugee and IDP populations, including two-way communications, Call Detail Records analysis, satellite imagery analysis and Free Basics application. Ten countries, including Niger, were selected to use KOICA funds for mVAM activities for a total duration of two years until 31 December 2018. During the mission, KOICA and WFP also met with external actors, including the Niger Government and FAO, to identify areas for collaboration on mVAM activities.


WFP and government authorities are preparing the launch of the Cost of Hunger in Africa (COHA) on 8 December, 2017 at the Niamey Congress Centre. Training of the country technical team will take place from 4 to 6 December. This exercise aims to estimate the economic costs of child malnutrition by assessing its socio-economic consequences associated with health, education and productivity sectors.

Climate Change and Early Warning

WFP carried out a mission on climate micro-insurance in Niger with the objective of analysing whether there is potential to implement an integrated approach to climate risk management that would protect food-insecure and vulnerable populations from major climate risks. The mission carried out interviews with actors in Niamey and then exchanges with communities in the Tahoua region (where a drought index had been defined beforehand). The report will be issued shortly.

School Meals

Following the school meals cost benefit analysis conducted in the Maradi region in October, the initial report found that for each US dollar invested in school meals in Niger, the estimated return on investment is USD 6. The report recommends that WFP resume the dry ration system that will encourage families to keep girls in school and improve their attendance. In addition, increasing complementary activities in the community such as drilling water wells, creating cereal mills or community gardens, may help relieve the population and pressure on children.

Rural development

WFP is signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. Within this framework and in a meeting held in November with the Minister of State, both ministries and WFP Country Director shared their concern over food insecurity in Niger.
Discussions highlighted prospects of a WFP-FAO collaboration in the Diffa region. The Minister of State thanked WFP for its efforts, particularly recognizing its achievements made nationally in the recovery of 78,000 ha of degraded lands of which 60 percent are now agricultural lands.


On 24 November, WFP held a session to discuss genderbased violence for the launch of “the 16 days of activism” campaign with the coordinator of the joint FAO–WFP–IFAD– UN Women programme as a guest speaker. Important issues tied to gender-based discrimination were discussed by the guest speaker and WFP staff. Orange decorated the office, staff clothing included. Photos and a video from the launch were posted on the country office twitter account.