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Niger + 1 more

UNICEF Niger Monthly Situation Report, 26 March 2013



  • As of 10 March, an estimated 3,586 individuals have arrived in Niger since the start of the military intervention in Mali. Given that the Level 2 Registration for the refugees in Agando and Chinwaren (in Tillia region) has yet to take place, and that no departures were reported, the planning figure in Niger remains 50,000 individuals.

  • From 7 to 13 February, a total of 1,741 refugees (425 households) were relocated from Banibangou to Mangaizé camp. Relocated children will be integrated into the existing schools in the camp.

  • On 9 February, there was a measles outbreak in Mangaizé with 33 cases reported. 32 of them were among refugees including 24 children under 15 years or less. An immunization campaign targeting unvaccinated children from 6 months to 14 years has been launched by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with partners responsible for health activities in the camp.

  • From 25 March until 2 April, a joint survey is being undertaken by UNHCR, WFP and UNICEF in the camps to evaluate the current acute malnutrition rate among children 6 to 59 months. Immunization coverage against measles among children 9-59 months will also be determined in the 3 official refugee camps. This survey will be conducted using the SMART methodology.

  • As of 10 March, 54,818 children under-five have been admitted to therapeutic feeding centres for severe acute malnutrition (SAM), while another 79,329 have been receiving treatment for moderate acute malnutrition (MAM).

  • WFP, UNICEF and UNHCR agreed to extend the wet feeding programme in the camps for an additional two-month period (up until May 2013). This operation targeted 5,963 refugees through the month of February. Results of a MUAC survey among children aged 6-59 months are encouraging and show a positive impact on children’s nutritional status.

  • The lack of emergency funding could jeopardize the 2013-2014 school year for all refugee children in Niger. An estimated US$2.5 million are urgently required to ensure uninterrupted emergency education.

  • Despite the fact that protection issues are on the rise in camps, funding is not forthcoming. Gender-Based Violence, Children Associated with Armed Forces and other armed Groups, Separated and Unaccompanied Children, psychosocial distress affecting children remain threats to their well-being that need to be addressed through prevention, tracing and/or treatment.

  • To ensure that host communities have equitable access to WASH facilities and are not deprived of their rights, UNICEF is advocating to immediately mobilize US$2.5 million for this sector.