• Non-state armed groups continue to maintain constant pressure on security forces and civilians by carrying out repeated attacks, without necessarily resulting in mass casualties. Humanitarian operators and NGOs remain an interesting target of opportunity for extremist and criminal non-state armed groups, especially in Tillabéri and Diffa regions.
• Due to security constraints and governmental restrictions mainly in Tillaberi Region on access since October, RRM response have been stopped. About 8,400 people for 1,700 households have been deprived of assistance since the imposition of humanitarian escorts.
• As of October 24, 33 506 people were affected by the flooding, following intense rain in October in Diffa region. UNICEF have provided drugs, education kits, water trucking and NFI. In addition, a Small-Scale Funding Agreement (SSFA) have been signed with the Nigerien Red Cross (NRC) for two months. This multisectoral project will be focused on sensitization and distribution of health, WASH and nutrition items. About 15,000 children will benefit from these activities.
• A vaccination campaign against Polio coupled with vitamin A was held in October, targeting 3,110,700 children aged 0-59 months in 32 health districts. A total of 3,314,362 children were vaccinated, this represents a coverage of 107%.
Situation in Numbers
1.26 million
children in need of humanitarian assistance
2.3 million
people in need
(OCHA, Humanitarian Response Plan Niger, 2019)
children affected by SAM nationwide (OCHA, Humanitarian Response Plan Niger, 2019)
Internally displaced children in Tillabéri / Tahoua, out of
Internally displaced people in Tillabéri / Tahoua (UNHCR, September 2019)
people affected by floods (Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Civil Protection, 24/10/2019, MAH)
UNICEF Appeal 2019
US$ 45.9 millions