15 security incidents were registered in Diffa in November, including two attacks by ex-Boko Haram on health centers (N’Garwa Koura and N’Galewa, where one worker was killed), and one attack on Wor (15 km South-East of Guagam) where three people were killed. The attacks caused a movement of around 1,200 households towards 3 spontaneous sites.
2016 RRM/NFI support (UNICEF/IRC) was provided to 5,999 households. 1,610 households were assisted with NFI kits in Karkarwa in November.
The fourth round of polio vaccination campaign took place in Diffa from 12-15 November. 254,400 children were vaccinated (119% of original target), including 34,981 children refugees.
307,940 under-5 children suffering from SAM have been admitted in health facilities for therapeutic care across the country (76.8% of the expected 2016 caseload), including 37,994 cases with medical complications for in-patient facility (IPF) in 44 hospitals
At the end of November, Niger has recorded 302 suspected cases of the Rift Valley fever (38% children under 5 years old), with a lethality rate of 10.9%. UNICEF supports a communication plan currently being implemented by an NGO partner, targeting 50,000 people from 35 villages at risk.
The cholera outbreak that started in Dosso region at week 42 continued in early November, with 8 new cases and 1 death, bringing the total to 38 cases. No new cases were reported in the second half of November. Prevention activities by CISP continue in the region, with UNICEF’s support.
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs
Simultaneous humanitarian crises continue to have a major impact on affected children and families in Niger. These include displacement caused by insecurity and increased attacks from Boko Haram, particularly affecting the Diffa region, the ongoing Rift Valley Fever outbreak in Tahoua region, as well as food insecurity and spikes in malnutrition. The Diffa region currently hosts 241,065 IDPs, refugees and returnees (147,050 children). The displaced population is scattered along nearly 100 spontaneous sites. Only 13% of the sites host more than 1,000 households, and over 67% of the displaced population. The major reduction in the number of IDPs from September to October, was due to a change in the methodology of the census carried out by the Regional Directorate for Registration and not to a major return.
In, October, the first cholera case since February 2015 was reported in Dosso region. As of November 30th, 38 cases have been recorded in 2 districts of the region with 11 deaths including deaths outside of health centers in communities. UNICEF and its partner CISP quickly mobilized a rapid response to contain the epidemic and limit its spread through the implementation of prevention and infection-control activities, such as home-based and disinfection of water points, promotion of home-based water treatment and hand-washing with soap, and community sensitization.
In Maradi region, 9 children were diagnosed with Meningitis at Tiadi Health Center. A surveillance system is in place for early detection / referral of cases, but no vaccination response yet as the epidemic threshold was not reached.