190,913 under-five children (51% girls) suffering from SAM were admitted for treatment, including 18,254 cases with medical complications. With UNICEF support, over 6 million children aged 6-59 months received a dose of vitamin A supplements (97% coverage) during the June campaign. 162,597 children aged 6 to 59 months (106.8% of the 2022 target) were vaccinated and 870,000 doses of vaccine were procured with UNICEF support. Niger has been recording measles cases, peaking in mid-June at 12,167 cases and 14 deaths.
As of May 2022, 759 primary schools and 34 secondary schools were closed nationwide for insecurity linked to the activism of non-state armed groups, affecting the schooling of 68,306 children (48% girls).
Of US$ 82.4million requested in 2022 to provide vital services to vulnerable children and women in Niger, less than a quarter has been received. The mobilization of additional funding is critical to ensure all needs are met.