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Niger + 1 more

UNICEF Niger Humanitarian Situation Report, April 2016



  • In April, several severe security incidents were registered in Diffa, including suicide attacks and mine explosions, causing 8 deaths. As the result, the government has increased military operations at the border with Nigeria. Additional measures are being taken, including the closing down of 2 major markets along the route nationale 1 and the government’s planned evacuation of 8,500 people (local residents, displaced people and refugees) from 7 villages along the Komadougou river towards safer sites.

  • UNICEF is continuing to scale-up its advocacy efforts to respond to gaps in other highly vulnerable localities, particularly in Nguigmi.

  • The Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) with IRC continues to provide emergency assistance to displaced and highly vulnerable populations in the region. The last of four multisectoral assessments (MSA) were conducted in Nguigmi department. RRM also assisted 595 most vulnerable households with NFI in 3 villages of Nguigmi department. Water trucking continues for IDPs and refuges in Kitchiandi, while a more durable water solution is being finalized through a partnership with ACTED.

  • Two epidemics continue to affect Niger, measles and meningitis (Meningococcus C and W135). At epidemiological week 17, measles continued to increase with a total of 1,767 cases and 6 deaths registered, with most cases registered in Niamey, Tillabery, Maradi, Tahoua. A vaccination response is ongoing, with joint efforts from humanitarian actors and the Ministry of Health.

  • Meningitis C cases are decreasing, with 1,355 cases and 92 deaths reported on week 17, particularly in Niamey, Dosso, Tillabéry. Vaccination is ongoing in all affected departments.


MAY 2016

14,338 Children affected by SAM in Diffa region out of 400,794 Children affected by SAM nationwide (HRP 2016)
82,524 Refugees and 31,524 Returnees from Nigeria (DREC, 5 May 2016)
62,726 Est. refugee and returnee children
69,964 Est. internally displaced children out of 127,208 Internally displaced people (Source DREC, 5th May 2016, partial data, covering 51 sites out of 135, registration still ongoing)