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UNICEF Niger Humanitarian Flash Update No. 3, 27 October 2024


Humanitarian Overview

  • Although torrential rains have abated in Niger, as of 14 October 2024, the Ministry of Humanitarian Action and Disaster Management (MAH/GC) reported a total of 1,433,735 individuals affected by flooding (195,003 households), resulting in 391 deaths. The increase is attributed to the addition of new cases to previously consolidated figures.
  • Families from Diffa region in southeast of Niger remain on high alert as all efforts are made to prevent flooding from the Komadougou Yobe river which flows through the region to Lake Chad.
  • Maradi region is the most severely impacted, with 314,006 people affected, followed by Zinder (264,445), Tillabéri (248,725), Tahoua (231,214), Dosso (211,872), Diffa (99,215), Agadez (32,933) and Niamey (31,325).
  • In flood-affected areas, inadequate sanitation heightens health risks, particularly waterborne diseases such as cholera. As of 12 October 2024, there have been 942 suspected cases and 104 confirmed cases of cholera, with 161 recoveries (69%) and 19 deaths, resulting in a case fatality rate of 1.91%. Cholera has been detected in Tahoua (46.5%), Zinder (31.6%), Maradi (19.7%), Diffa (1.5%) and Agadez (0.7%) regions.
  • At the national level, there are substantial gaps in the provision of Essential Household Items, with a total unmet need of 130,399 kits across the country. Maradi faces the largest deficit, with a gap of 37,686 kits.
  • As of 30 September 2024, Niger has 416,660 refugees and asylum seekers, as well as 507,438 internally displaced individuals, primarily in the regions of Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua, and Tillabéri (Government & UNHCR).