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UNICEF Niger Flash Update No. 2: 22 September 2024


Humanitarian Overview

  • As of 17 September 2024, the Ministry of Humanitarian Action and Disaster Management (MAH/GC) reported a total of 1,016,575 people (138,160 households) affected by the floods, with 322 deaths.

    Maradi is the most affected region, with 270,505 people affected, followed by Zinder (173,784 people), Tahoua (164,129), Tillabéri (157,005), Dosso (156,579), Diffa (50,353), Niamey (24,019) and Agadez (20,201).

  • Health and education infrastructures have been severely damaged by the floods. At least 103 health facilities have suffered structural damage, including leaking roofs, destroyed shelters, collapsed walls, and damaged toilets and hospital units. In addition, more than 5,000 classrooms have been affected, many of which have collapsed or are being used as shelters by flood-affected households. As a result, the school year, originally scheduled to start on 2 October 2024, has been postponed to 28 October 2024.

  • Inadequate sanitation in flood-affected areas increases health risks, particularly for waterborne diseases such as cholera. As of 22 September, the Ministry of Health reported 430 suspected cases and 45 confirmed cases of cholera in Tahoua, Zinder, Maradi and Agadez regions, with 359 recoveries (60,23%) and 12 deaths, resulting in a case fatality rate of 2.79%.

  • As of 30 July 2024, Niger had 413,906 refugees and asylum seekers, and 507,438 internally displaced persons, mainly in the regions of Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua and Tillabéri (Government & UNHCR).