Population Indicators:
Total population (2003): 11,972,000
Population under 18 (2003): 6,784,000
Population under 5 (2003): 2,549,000
Annual number of births (2003): 662,000
Nutrition Indicators:
Infants with low-birth weight (1998-2003): 17%
Children exclusively breast-fed (<6 months): 1%
Breastfed with complementary food (6-9 months): 56%
Children still breast-feeding (20-23 months): 61%
Under-5's suffering from moderate and severe underweight (1995-2003): 40%
Under-5's suffering from moderate and severe wasting, weight for height indicator (1995-2003): 14%
Under-5's suffering from moderate & severe stunting, height for age indicator (1995-2003): 40%
Households consuming iodized salt (1997-2003): 15%
Education Indicators:
Primary school enrolment ratio (net), male: 41; female: 28
Net primary school attendance (1996-2003) for males: 36%; for females: 25%
Primary school entrants reaching gr. 5 (1998-2001): 71%
Number of phones per 100 population (2002): 0
Number of internet users per 100 population (2002): 0
Orphan school attendance ratio (1998-2003): -- Gross primary school enrolment ratio, females as a percentage of males (1998-2002): 68
Female Indicators:
Lifetime risk of maternal death (2000): 1 in 7
Contraceptive prevalence (1995-2003): 14%
Antenatal care coverage (1995-2003): 41%
Skilled attendant at delivery (1995-2003): 16%
Child Protection Indicators:
Child labor, 5-14 years, (1999-2003) male: 68%; female: 62%
Child marriage (1986-2003) urban: 46%; rural: 86%
Birth registration (1999-2003) urban: 85%; rural: 40%
Female genital cutting (1998-03) women: 5%; daughters: 4%
Mortality Indicators:
Under-5 mortality global rank (2003): 2
Under-5 mortality rate, per 1,000 live births (2003): 262
Under-1 infant mortality rate, per 1,000 live births (2003): 154
Annual number of U-5 deaths (2003): 173,000
Malaria Indicators:
Under-5's sleeping under a bed-net (1999-2003): 17%
Under-5's sleeping under a treated bed-net (1999-2003): 6%
Under-5's with fever receiving anti-malarial drugs: 48%
Health Indicators:
Total popul'n using improved drinking water sources (2002): 46%
Total popul'n using adequate sanitation facilities (2002): 12%
Routine EPI vaccines financed by government (2003): 100%
1-year old children immunized for TB (2003): 64%
1-year old children immunized for DPT3 (2003): 52%
1-year old children immunized for Polio3 (2003): 51%
1-year old children immunized for Measles (2003): 64%
Life expectancy at birth (2003): 46 years Crude death rate (2003): 19%;
Crude birth rate (2003): 55%
Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate, 6-59 months (2002): 77%
HIV/AIDS Indicators:
HIV adult prevalence rate, 15-49 years (end-2003): 1.2%
# of adults & children living with HIV, 0-49 years (2003): 70,000
# of children living with HIV, 0-14 years (2003): 5,900
Median HIV prevalence among pregnant women (15-24 yrs): --%
Females (15-24 years) who know healthy-looking person can have HIV (1998-2003): 37%;
who know condom can prevent HIV: 30%
Females who used a condom at last high-risk sex (15-24 yrs): 7%
Children orphaned by AIDS, 0-17 years (2003): 24,000
Literacy Indicators:
Total adult literacy rate (2000): 16%
Adult male literacy rate (2000): 24%
Adult female literacy rate (2000): 9%
Adult literacy rate-females as a percentage of males (2000): 38%
Economic Indicators: GNI per capita (2003): US$200
Average annual rate of inflation (1990-2003): 5%
Population living below $1/day (1992-2002): 64%