According to security sources, dozens of civilians have been killed in these conflicts.
Background and Key Facts
Intercommunal clashes between sedentary and pastoral communities in the communes of Dessa, Ayorou and Gorouol were reported mid-August by humanitarian actors in the region. According to security sources, between 15 and 16 August 2023, clashes caused the death of dozens of civilians in the localities of Kodé Goria, near Kandadji (Dessa commune), and in the villages of Bangouro and Tondi-Tcham, near the river, 18 km east of Bankilaré (Téra department). However, the exact number of victims has not yet been established by relevant authorities.
Following the 15 and 16 August events that occurred in the Dessa commune and villages and hamlets in the surroundings of Ayorou, the authorities of the Ayorou commune have confirmed a massive influx of displaced people from the villages and hamlets of Daya Peuhl and Garidjo. These displaced people are hosted by families. An initial assessment, conducted by the Ministry of Humanitarian Action and Disaster Management (MHA/DM) on the night of 16 August, reported the arrival of 25 households (130 people). They fled from the village of Tinaferan (commune of Bankilaré). The situation is being monitored by the MHA/DM.
According to the authorities, these movements spread to Ayorou, Bankilaré and the center of Tillabéri between the 16th and 17th of August. The displaced people come from forty islands villages and hamlets in the surroundings of Dessa, Ayorou and Gorouol. They include: Daya peulh, Daya sédentaires, Garey Akoukou, Tinfaghat, Tabareybarey, Goyow, Gnalma, Farey, Fou, Bangouro, Matan Goungou, Tondicham, Ati Koirey, Toumboulou, Safan, Aliam hondobon, Way goungou and Simo. Preliminary assessment results identified 3,241 households (17,501 people), distributed as follows:
15,342 people (2,803 households) arrived in Ayorou. Most were accommodated with host families;
2,089 people (428 households) were registered by the Niger Red Cross (CRN) and the MHA/DM and housed in the Bankilaré school center;
70 people (10 households), mostly children and women, are housed at the Tillabéri girls' school.
As a reminder, between 28 April and 2 May 2023, similar conflicts broke out between sedentary and pastoral communities in the localities of Dessa and Ayorou, resulting in 17 civilian casualties.
Since 2015, Niger has been facing a severe protection crisis. As of 30 June 2023, 706,111 people have been forcibly displaced in the country, including 403,974 internally displaced persons (IDPs), more than two-thirds of whom are in the regions of Tillabéri (150,584) and Diffa (154,963), along with 251,760 refugees and 50,377 asylum seekers. Violence and armed conflict in the regions of Tillabéri, Diffa, Tahoua and Maradi continue to cause population displacements. The civilians also face access constraints such as lack of civil status documents and the risk of statelessness. Women and girls also face gender-based and other forms of sexual violence.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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