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Niger + 13 more

Niger: Population Flow Monitoring Dashboard #28 (1 — 31 October 2019)


INTRODUCTION: IOM works with national and local authorities, and local partners to identify and understand migration movements in West and Central Africa. Flow monitoring is an activity that quantifies and qualifies flows, migrant profiles, trends and migration routes at a given point of entry, transit or exit. The data collected provides an overview of migration in the region. Since February 2016, IOM Niger has been monitoring migration flows at six points across Niger. Given the immensity of the region of Agadez, a new FMP (Madama) on the Libyan border was activated in January 2019 to capture the outflows due to the proliferation of bypass roads. This new FMP complements the Séguédine FMP which currently only captures incoming flows. The data collected provides an overview of migratory movements in the region.


In addition to the three FMPs (Dan Barto, Magaria and Tahoua) activated in August 2018, a new FMP was also set up in Niger (Dan Issa) in September 2018. The aim was to better understand migration routes along the southern part of Niger, and to complement the existing FMPs in Arlit and Séguédine. The FMP at Tahoua was set up to understand internal movement flows as it is situated in central Niger. The Tahoua region borders Tillabery region in the east, Nigeria in the south and the Agadez region in the north. Madama FMP is located at the border between Libya and Niger.