What the Agencies are doing:
Food distribution
The immediate focus of the DEC member agencies is on supplying food to keep as many people alive as possible.
- Three British Red Cross flights have arrived, carrying food for 23,000 malnourished children over the next two weeks.
- CARE International is ready to implement food distribution of up to 11,000 tonnes from now until the end of August.
- A charter plane from Concern carrying 42 tons of emergency food supplies landed on 19 July, and Concern has established a nutrition programme which will treat 300 children on a daily basis.
- Islamic Relief has already distributed 108 tonnes of food aid in Niger (and North Mali)
- Save the Children will assist up to 40,000 malnourished children.
- Fifty five villages with a total population of 50,000 will be given dry rations by Christian Aid.
- The British Red Cross has established bases to supply mobile feeding centres.
An oily peanut paste called Plumpynut will be fed to young children. Plumpynut can be handed straight to the parent in a foil pack, it needs nothing added, is very high in nutrients and vitamins and doesn't need a nurse to administer it. Unimix is the same substance in a powder, it needs to be distributed to feeding centres as it has to be mixed with water.
At the feeding centres, set up in tents, children are given bands to wear on their wrists to assess their nutritional status. World Vision is implementing child nutrition programmes which will help 8,000 children under five.
World Vision is setting up 25 cereal banks to store food.
Drought and locust plague has caused animals to become weak and less productive, and cattle carcasses can be seen lying on the ground in some areas.
- Oxfam is organising de-stocking schemes, which means that they buy weak cattle and destroy them for food purposes. The schemes will target 130,000 people whose cattle could be de-stocked.
- Christian Aid is providing animal fodder to families to help livestock recover.
Medical help
Agencies are aiming to prevent diseases which tend to result from lack of food, such as cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections and measles, as well as treating illnesses related to malnourishment.
- Islamic Relief is providing medical equipment to the main hospital in Tillaberi region and has established a mobile monitoring team which will visit rural locations to find sick people who don't have access to hospital.
- Save the Children has sent a plane carrying emergency health kits, sachets of reydrating salts for severely malnourished children, mosquito nets, malaria testing kits, Vitamin A tablets which provide a vital supplement for malnourished children, pregnant and lactating mothers and folic acid, which promotes the health of pregnant women.
- ActionAid is setting up irrigation systems for women, enabling them to grow vegetables for their families. This will help 5,000 households.
- Oxfam has created a 'vouchers in exchange for work' scheme. Work projects include the drying of animal flesh so it lasts longer or working in collective fields and gardens. They will be paid in vouchers, which they can use to buy low priced food.
Prevention of future crises
- ActionAid is supporting a scheme to ensure the early warning system to alert people to disaster is more rooted in communities and works more effectively.
- World Vision is setting up an agro-forestry programme aiming to ensure long-term food security. It is also developing market gardens to improve production during the dry season.
- Tearfund is working to address long-term needs in response to the on-going cycle of droughts.
Food distribution
- CARE International is ready to start food delivery.
- British Red Cross is supporting through its regional office.
- Christian Aid is providing animal fodder to feed livestock during the dry season.
- Oxfam is subsidising sales of animal feed.
- Oxfam is providing vouchers for work, similar to those in Niger.
- Oxfam is also organising seed fairs to distribute seeds.
- Christian Aid is providing seeds and helping farmers to get access to fertiliser.
Prevention of future crises
- Christian Aid is giving training to 9,000 people on preventative actions in case of further locust attacks.
- Christian Aid is working on improving disaster mitigation systems, to reduce the impact of future shocks on the most vulnerable populations.
- Food security is being monitored.
- Christian Aid is providing animal fodder and supplying emergency food.
- British Red Cross is supporting through its regional office.
- Tearfund is working with partners on food distribution programmes which and are scaling up activities up.
- Tearfund is distributing relief packages in three provinces.
- Oxfam is targeting 73,000 people for assistance with food.
- Oxfam is offering food for work programmes and organising seed fairs.
- Oxfam is organising destocking programmes. These involve the buying of weak animals and destroying them for food purposes. It is also offering veterinary services and animal feed distribution.