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Niger + 1 more

Monthly Humanitarian Situation Report, UNICEF Niger - January - February 2013



  1. As of 18 February 2013, figures released by the UNHCR Level 2 registration indicate 33,776 officially recorded refugees in camps, spontaneous sites and urban areas in Niger. This number does not include the 17,000 refugees in Agando and Chinewaren soon to be relocated from Tillia to Tahoua. Thus, so far maintaining the number of refugees at just over 50,000. Since early February, UNHCR, in collaboration with IOM, is carrying out a logistics-intensive operation to relocate refugees from Banibangou to safer sites further away from the border.

  2. As of 10 February, 28,840 children under-five have been admitted to therapeutic feeding centres for severe acute malnutrition (SAM), while another 41,229 have been receiving treatment for moderate acute malnutrition (MAM).

  3. On 18 February, the CAP 2013 was officially launched in Ouallam by the Prime Minister and the Humanitarian Coordinator for Niger, in the presence of the humanitarian community and government officials. The total amount requested is US$354,414,493 to support approximately 3 million people at risk of food insecurity across the country.

  4. As part of the continued response to the overflowing of the Komadougou River, which caused much damage in the Diffa region, UNICEF is still monitoring the situation in the 11 spontaneous sites hosting displaced people.

  5. The relocation of some 750 households from four districts (Karadjé, Lamordé, Kirkissoye and Nogaré) affected by floods in Niamey to the new site of Seno has been completed. To ensure education for relocated children, UNICEF provided several tents to create 6 classrooms, offered 10 education kits and will cover additional educational needs.

  6. On 15 February, the 2013 National Support Plan for vulnerable populations has been adopted for approximately US$275 million. It is the primary tool for planning and programming interventions related to the prevention and management of natural disasters and food crises. It is elaborated annually after the post-harvest assessments, following a participatory and inclusive process.

  7. Within the framework of Mali+3, UNICEF Niger provided ACF and MSF Spain, in support of their interventions in Mali, 30 box of Aquatabs and cold chain equipment, respectively.