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Niger + 1 more

Monthly Humanitarian Situation Report, UNICEF Niger - December 2012



  1. On 13 December 2012, the National Mechanism for the Prevention and Management of Disasters and Food Crises (DNPGCCA) released preliminary data of the vulnerability analysis carried out in September 2012. At least 10 Departments will be moderately at risk of food insecurity with 185 zones at risk covering 3,243 villages with an estimated 2.4 million people.

  2. As of 30 December 2012, 368,746 children under-five have been admitted to therapeutic feeding centres for severe acute malnutrition (SAM), while another 462,306 have been receiving treatment for moderate acute malnutrition (MAM).

  3. As of end December, a cumulative total of 5,285 cholera cases and 110 deaths since the beginning of the year with a case fatality rate of 2.08 percent have been reported against 2,480 cases reported at the same period in 2011. Since week 50, zero cases have been reported. UNICEF partners continue to monitor the situation in Tillabéri and Tahoua regions.

  4. As of 31 December 2012, the preliminary figures released by the UNHCR Level 2 registration, indicate a total number of 50,000 officially recorded refugees in camps and other spontaneous sites in Niger.

  5. As part of the CO overall preparedness and within the framework of Mali+3, UNHCR in collaboration with UNICEF and WPF elaborated a concept note on addressing urgent operational challenges for the short (1-3 months) and medium-term (up to 8 months) to ensure continuity of service delivery in refugee camps.