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Improving Education in Niger Through Citizen Monitoring Committees

Funded by USAID, Counterpart implements the Resilient Governance in Niger project, also known as Jagoranci, to strengthen the social contract between local authorities and citizens, and to enhance the resilience of individuals, households, and communities in 26 communes in the regions of Dosso, Maradi, Tillaberi, and Zinder. The project has organized citizen monitoring committees in partner communes to address community members’ priority needs.

The rural commune of Kieche has faced challenges in accommodating new students due to higher enrollment rates and limited classroom space. The citizen monitoring committee started the construction of hut classrooms to welcome new students. Children who previously did not attend school due to lack of accessible classrooms now have access to education. As a result of the committee’s work, 11 classrooms have been built, and 474 new students across 4 villages—Gwala, Sandra, Wa Takoudawa, and Keshe—are now enrolled thanks to these classrooms. Watch the video below to learn more.