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Niger + 3 more

Catalunya to provide nearly 200.000 euros for emergency relief in Sahel food crisis

Catalonia will contribute with 190.000 euros to respond to the food crisis in Niger and neighbouring countries thanks to the contributions of the Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (150.000E) and the Ajuntament de Barcelona (40.000E).

The contribution will support 4 NGOs: Acción contra el Hambre, Intermón-Oxfam, Món-3 and Save the Children, and the total amount will be shared out as following:

-73.000 euros to Acción contra el Hambre to implement a nutritional program in Tahoua and Maradi regions, in Niger

-65.000 euros to Intermón-Oxfam to develop a Food Security program in Arbinda region, in the north of Burkina Faso

-12.000 euros to Món-3 to implement a Food Security project in Brakna, Mauritania

-40.000 euros to Save the Children to implement a nutritional program in Zinder region, Niger

After the last meeting of the Catalan Committee for the Emergence Humanitarian Aid - CCAHE[1] held on July, 21st, the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation and Barcelonacity council agreed to contribute with 190.000 euros to respond to the food crisis suffered by Nigerand other neighbouring countries in the Sahel

The CCAHE stressed the seriousness of the situation, affecting a region with structural problems aggravated due to severe drought and a locust plague. Over 4 million people in the region (Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Mauritania) are suffering from hunger and could die of starvation soon.