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Africa Region | Hunger Crisis - 6 months Operation Update - Emergency Appeal (MGR60001)


Description of the crisis

The Hunger Crisis has exacerbated pre-existing inequalities, discrimination, and violence, increasing risks for vulnerable groups such as women, children, the elderly, and disabled individuals. Millions across the region struggle with poverty and daily threats to their food security due to several factors.
Climatic shocks like prolonged droughts and recurrent flooding have negatively impacted agricultural productivity, directly affecting food resources. Conflict in various regions disrupts farming, trade, and food access, worsening food insecurity for affected communities. Additionally, the economic downturns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to job losses and reduced incomes, further limiting people's ability to access food.

Approximately 146 million people in 35 countries across sub-Saharan Africa face acute food insecurity. Despite early warnings from African Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, more funding and resources are needed to address the crisis and its root causes. The Horn of Africa experienced its longest dry spell on record, with five consecutive dry seasons. Wetter than average conditions during the March-May rainy season in eastern Kenya, western parts of South Sudan, parts of Somalia and much of Ethiopia and Tanzania resulted in flooding. Flooding further exacerbated the vulnerabilities of people facing acute food insecurity. Widespread flooding, conflict, and dry conditions have resulted in mixed harvest outcomes across Africa.

African Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies have provided life-saving assistance to millions, but more resources are needed to effectively address the crisis. National Societies have so far provided services to 1.53 million people, corresponding to 20% of the total target of 7.7 million people. Most people have been reached with WASH services (1.2 million), but also many with cash and voucher assistance (725,658) and health and nutrition (457,729).

To tackle the root causes of food insecurity, longer-term programming will be implemented, focusing on improving agricultural practices, fostering peace and stability, and enhancing economic opportunities. These programs will work in conjunction with government plans and frameworks, with the IFRC aiming to improve the resilience of impoverished communities, including displaced populations, by building on previous successes. 2 Source: Photo: The Malagasy Red Cross has joined the Government and other stakeholders to assist the affected population in Southern Madagascar in terms of distributing cash for food and basic needs, assisting children under 5 years old affected by malnutrition, promoting hygiene activities, planting trees, initiating vegetable gardens, rehabilitating/constructing water drilling systems, and promoting disaster risks activities. The interventions of the MRCs cover the entire population of the Commune of Ambatoabo, in the Anosy region. With cash, households were able to access to diversified food, pay the debts, pay medical fees, small scale savings, etc.