Appeal Target: US$ 2,703,725
Balance Requested from ACT Alliance: US$ 92,344
Geneva, March 22, 2006
Dear Colleagues,
In extensive parts of Niger, both the agricultural production of 2004 and grasslands reserved for cattle were severely affected by drought and swarms of locusts. The government and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimated a national crop shortage of 224,000 tons. Two thirds of the crop failure can be attributed to the insufficient rainfall in 2004 and one third to the locust plague.
An ACT appeal was issued on July 23 and revised on August 9 and September 14, 2005 to respond to this emergency including proposals from ACT members, Lutheran World Relief (LWR) and Swiss Interchurch Aid (HEKS).
The current revision includes an adjustment of Lutheran World Relief ( LWR) programme that is based on a reassessment of the needs . They are proposing to reduce the distribution of food and grains and increase post-crisis activities such as building of wells, developing of market gardens, animal restocking and training of the communities on the management of these activities. LWR is also proposing to extend the completion date of the project from June to August 31, 2005.
We are including in this revision the Swiss Interchurch Aid (HEKS) project that is still in implementation without modifications and will finalise on May 30, 2006.
This revision replace all the previous appeals and revisions.
Project Completion Date:
LWF: 31 August 2006
HEKS: 31 May 2006
Summary of Appeal Targets, Pledges/Contributions Received and Balance Requested
ACT Co-ordination
Marked |
Total US$
Appeal Targets |
Less: Pledges/Contribution Received |
Balance Requested from ACT Alliance |
* This amount is only for LWR
Please kindly send your contributions to either of the following ACT bank accounts:
US dollar
Account Number - 240-432629.60A
IBAN No: CH46 0024 0240 4326 2960A
Euro Bank Account Number - 240-432629.50Z
IBAN No: CH84 0024 0240 4326 2950Z
Account Name: ACT - Action by Churches Together
8, rue du Rhône
P.O. Box 2600
1211 Geneva 4, SWITZERLAND
Swift address: UBSW CHZH12A
Please also inform the Finance Officer Jessie Kgoroeadira ( and the Programme Officer Elsa Moreno ( of all pledges/contributions and transfers, including funds sent direct to the implementers, now that the Pledge Form is no longer attached to the Appeal.
We would appreciate being informed of any intent to submit applications for EU, USAID and/or other back donor funding and the subsequent results. We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.
For further information please contact:
ACT Director, Jenny Borden (phone +41 22 791 6033 or mobile phone + 41 79 203 6055) or
ACT Program Officer, Elsa Moreno, (phone +41 22 791 6420 or mobile phone +41 79 608 8133)
ACT Web Site address:
(pdf* format - 258 KB)