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WFP Nicaragua Country Brief, September 2021


In Numbers

USD 1.9 m six-months (October 2021 – March 2022) net funding requirements, representing 82% of total

263,095 people assisted in SEPTEMBER 2021

Operational Updates

  • In September, WFP continued supporting Nicaragua's emergency response post-hurricanes Eta and Iota by scaling-up the school feeding programme. This month, 203,754 children (48 percent girls) from 2,501 schools located in communities affected by Eta and Iota were assisted with two nutritious hot meals. In line with WFP’s commitment to programme quality, an evaluation of the transportation service was carried out in 120 schools.

  • Under the BOOST project, WFP provided training on the establishment of vegetable gardens to 747 vulnerable families (57 percent headed by women) and provided assets and agricultural inputs to 888 smallholder farmers (52 percent headed by women). Through these activities,
    WFP contributes to food security by supporting the Primera harvest season, which grants vulnerable families with access to food for selfconsumption and commercialization of surplus.

  • During September, WFP continued executing an agricultural microinsurance pilot aimed at transferring risk and promoting investment. A total of 187 smallholder farmers from 8 farmer organizations are participating. The pilot also aims at reducing risks for farmers through soil conservation and water harvesting.

  • As part of the second stage of the disaster risk reduction project supported by Luxembourg,
    WFP collaborated with the National System for the Prevention, Mitigation and Attention to Disasters (SINAPRED) and the Nicaraguan Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) in the development and execution of Participatitory Community Planning (PCP) processes in two communities of the North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region (RACCN). The project includes the implementation of two community projects aimed at the recovery of livelihoods in hurricane-affected areas. WFP held meetings with SINAPRED and INETER to advance the design of an Early Warning System aimed at alerting against drought. This would be one of the few Early Warning Systems in the region, able to alert on slow developing climate risks, such as droughts. The insights provided by the System will also inform future WFP projects and programmes on emergency response, social protection and food security.

  • In September, WFP completed a field visit to the South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region (RACCS) to evaluate the state of telecommunications in the region, and establish a link to hurricane response preparedness in collaboration with SINAPRED. This is part of a sub-regional collaboration initiative, whereby WFP experts work with SINAPRED to develop a five-year tele-communications improvement plan, which also addresses emergency preparedness for the 2021 hurricane season.

  • WFP worked with SINAPRED to design the methodology of a risk assessment that will be conducted in RACCN. The assessment will not only identify and map potential threats, but will incorporate an analysis of livelihoods, food security and capacities of local institutions that are key during emergency response.