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WFP Nicaragua Country Brief, December 2016



  • In order to avoid pipeline breaks, WFP Nicaragua is in the process of procuring commodities for the first school meals distribution of 2017. All components of the food basket have been secured, thus ensuring the distribution of full rations at the beginning of next year.

  • With 2016 coming to an end, WFP thanks its donors for their generous and reliable support.
    Their contributions have allowed WFP to keep providing capacity development and supporting Nicaragua’s most vulnerable, making the difference for over 170,000 school-aged children, more than 7,000 pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under three years old, and about 1,600 people living with HIV.

Operational Updates

 WFP and the Ministry of Education (MINED) completed the last school meal distribution of the year, bringing much needed nutritious food to 162,300 school children. Additionally, WFP complemented government food distributions with milk and dates, bringing the total number of children reached in December to 170,800. For some of these children, school meals are the only daily meals high in nutrients. This is a strong incentive to attend school and makes a valuable contribution to the diets of children from low-income families in some of Nicaragua’s most remote and vulnerable communities.

 As part of its ongoing efforts to enhance the capacity of the National System for Disasters Prevention, Mitigation and Attention (SINAPRED), WFP supported the organization of the fourth national emergency simulation exercise, conducted nationwide on 20 December 2016. Such exercises are an integral component of SINAPRED’s emergency preparedness plan and help reinforce disaster risk reduction. Additionally, WFP provided equipment and tools to strengthen the National Firefighter’s capacity to respond in the event of emergencies.

 WFP conducted post-harvest trainings for smallholder farmers for nine of its 15 assisted farmer organizations, located in the Dry Corridor, in the department of Nueva Segovia. The aim of the trainings is to contribute to the reduction of postharvest losses of maize and beans.