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WFP Nicaragua Country Brief, August 2017



  • WFP supported the Ministry of Education to up-scale school meals in the Dry Corridor of the country during the critical months of the lean season. WFP provided meals to 200,700 schoolchildren, thus facilitating access to food and preventing school dropouts in vulnerable areas recurrently affected by crisis. In addition, WFP provided school meals to 164,100 children in the department of Jinotega and the North Caribbean Region.

  • A delegation from Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre visited Nicaragua to participate in the official handover ceremony of Saudi dates, allowing it to seeing first-hand the benefits that this brings to the school meals programme. Every year, the Centre provides dates to pre- and primary school children, who greatly appreciate this highly nutritious Saudi treat.

Operational Updates

  • WFP and the Ministry of Education (MINED) conducted the last school meal distribution of the year, in support of 164,100 schoolchildren in 11 municipalities, in some of Nicaragua’s most remote and vulnerable communities. The distribution will cover the needs for 60 school days. The meals encourage school attendance and access to food by children from low-income families. For some, this is the only nutritious food that they eat during day.

  • WFP continued to hold food security and nutrition workshops for technicians of eight farmer organizations (FO), including 8 women and 11 men. This allows smallholder farmers and FO technicians to think about the importance of healthy nutrition at the household level, thus generating awareness in a context where diets often lack diversity and consist predominantly of carbohydrates.

  • SINAPRED and WFP are working to incorporate an integral food security and nutrition (SAN) approach with a gender and protection focus in the national training plans for emergency preparedness and response. To this end, WFP conducted a workshop on best practices for food storage during emergencies and on food administration in shelters in 17 departments. The aim is to strengthen national capacities to guarantee the effective and appropriate management of food in the event of crisis and particularly climate shocks.