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Nicaragua: Health System Strengthening and Response to Epidemiological Emergencies Project

WASHINGTON, December 17, 2009 - The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors today approved the following project:

IDA Grant: US$5.0 million equivalent

Project ID: P112906

Project Description: The Health System Strengthening and Response to Epidemiological Emergencies Project aims to strengthen the capacity of the Republic of Nicaragua's health system to support the control of the spread and the effects of A/H1N1 Human Influenza through prevention, monitoring, and treatment of affected populations, with special attention to high risk groups. The grant will help finance the costs associated with the Government's effort to monitor, control, and reduce the number of fatalities and the risk of contraction of the A/HlNl Human Influenza, which has resulted in 2,152 confirmed cases of the A/HlN1 Human Influenza registered as of October 30, 2009, and eighteen deaths reported.

Media Contact
Stevan Jackson
(202) 458-5054

For more project information, please visit:"8424&Projectid=P112906

For more information, please visit the Projects website.