GLIDE No. TC-2009-000232-NIC
The International Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) is a source of un-earmarked money created by the Federation in 1985 to ensure that immediate financial support is available for Red Cross and Red Crescent response to emergencies. The DREF is a vital part of the International Federation's disaster response system and increases the ability of national societies to respond to disasters.
CHF 107,399 (USD 106,288 or EUR 71,079) has been allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the Nicaraguan Red Cross (NRC) in replenishing relief items from its stocks used to the deliver immediate assistance to some 950 families (approximately 4,750 people). Un-earmarked funds to repay DREF are encouraged.
Summary: Hurricane Ida hit Nicaraguan territory on 5 November 2009 as a category one hurricane. The northern Atlantic region sustained heavy winds and rain causing infrastructural damage and flooding which affected 13,300 people in several communities located along the Northern Atlantic coastline of the country. This DREF operation is focused on providing the most affected people with essential relief items including plastic sheeting, blankets, mosquito nets, and kitchen and hygiene kits.
This operation is expected to be implemented over three months, and will therefore be completed by 11 February 2010; a final report will be made available three months after the end of the operation (by 11 May 2010).
The situation
On 5 November 20009, Hurricane Ida (category one) reached the Northern Atlantic region of Nicaragua. Heavy rain and winds caused damages to rooftops; in addition, the severe rainfall caused overflowing of rivers and flooding. Consequently, water wells have been contaminated and the electric systems and roads have been affected in some communities.
The main damages sustained have been in the housing sector. Ida left 875 affected homes, 300 contaminated wells, 300 flooded latrines and 81,854 hectares of damaged crops. Approximately 13,300 people have been affected and 5,300 are now staying in collective centres.
According to the Civil Defense, the hurricane affected six municipalities in the South Atlantic region: Corn Island, Bluefields, Tasba Pauni, Kukra Hill, Río Grande and Laguna de Perlas, as well as four municipalities in the Northern Atlantic region: Prinzapolka,Waspam, Bonanza and Rosita.
In Corn Island, Laguna de Perlas, Kukra Hill, Karawala and Sandy Bay Sirp assessment teams from the Civil Defense and from the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) were deployed to complete evaluations.
Assessments have not been completed since some of the communities in the Northern Atlantic region are inaccessible. Therefore, the number of affected people and needs might increase after the completion of damage and needs assessments.
The National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation System (Sistema Nacional de Prevención y Mitigación a Desastres - SINAPRED) along with the Civil Defense have carried out evacuation and search and rescue activities. In addition, assessment teams were deployed to try to reach the affected isolated areas. The Nicaraguan government will provide 11,000 zinc sheets to the people whose homes sustained damages due to the heavy winds.
Coordination and partnerships
The Nicaraguan Red Cross has been in constant communication with the International Federation's Pan American Disaster Response Unit (PADRU) and agencies in-country providing initial information about the emergency. The NRC has been coordinating with local authorities, primarily with SINAPRED, the Civil Defense and the Municipal Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (Comité Municipal para la Prevención, Mitigación y Atención de Desastres Naturales - COMUPRED).
Partner National Societies such as the Spanish Red Cross, the Italian Red Cross, the Canadian Red Cross and the German Red Cross have been in constant communication with the NRC relief office to obtain information and provide support. In addition, international agencies including the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), CARE and the World Bank are providing technical support and resources for the emergency response.
The United Nations Emergency Technical Team (UNETT) is coordinating the activities in the South Atlantic Autonomous Region (Region Autonoma del Atlantico Sur -RAAS) and the North Atlantic Autonomous Region (Region Autonoma del Atlantico Norte -RAAN) in collaboration with the Civil Defence. The United Nations agencies and other international actors have reported the deployment of technicians to support the relief activities. Most of the activities are concentrated on food distribution, as well as the health and water and sanitation sectors.
Additionally, a disaster management delegate from PADRU has been deployed to Nicaragua to provide support to the National Society.