Prices of most essential commodities monitored nationwide remained relatively stable or showed a marginal increase compared to May 2023. On average, the overall cost of the food basket was 18 percent higher in June 2023 than April 2022. Prices of food staples and pulses showed marginal fluctuations, however the price of some vegetables increased sharply. The cost of the food basket in Karnali was 17 percent higher than the national average.
In line with the general stabilization of availability of food and non-food items observed in May 2023, demand for food and non-food commodities was reported as stable or medium level by over 81 percent of traders.
The majority of traders reported sufficient availability of both food and non-food commodities, except for a few traders in remote areas of Lumbini Province who reported insufficient availability of some food items.
Medium level of supply and transportation of goods was reported by almost all traders in June 2023. About 12 percent of traders reported an increase in transportation cost compared to the previous month.
Over 88 percent of traders reported a moderate level of demand for labour, compared to 98 percent in May 2023.