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WFP Nepal Country Brief, November 2024


In Numbers

163 mt of food distributed

US$ 2.1 million net funding requirements (November 2024 – April 2025)

122,312 people assisted

Operational Updates

  • A representative from the Nepal Planning Commission, serving as the National Food Systems Convenor, participated in the Food Systems Solutions Dialogues in Rome. The Commission emphasized home-grown school feeding as a key priority for transforming local food systems and appreciated WFP’s technical support. The dialogue united stakeholders to develop and share actionable solutions for sustainable food systems.

  • Under the Joint Programme for Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment (RWEE), implemented together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agriculture and Development, and UN Women, 150 smallholder farmers gained digital skills for improved access to agricultural information, while 180 farmers were trained in agro-meteorological services and climate risk management.

  • In Madhesh Province, 51 female community health volunteers were trained to prepare complementary foods for children aged 6–23 months using locally available ingredients. They also conducted 203 cooking demonstrations, reaching 5,661 households through health mothers’ groups, promoting healthy and nutritious recipes.

  • WFP supported the Government’s Food Management and Trading Company Limited (FMTCL) to produce 1,112 mt of fortified rice at four facilities. WFP also procured 40 mt of fortified rice kernels from India for blending with regular rice and producing an additional 4,000 mt of fortified rice.

  • In addition, WFP also collaborated with the FMTCL to organize sensitization workshops on rice fortification for leaders from 21 local governments from Karnali Province.

  • In food-insecure districts of Karnali Province, 40 metric tons (mt) of WSB+ was distributed to 4,286 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls and 8,371 children aged 6-23 months.

  • In coordination with Karnali Province’s Ministry of Social Development and Lions Clubs International, WFP organized a provincial level information sharing event to promote the Lions International Clubs Foundation and WFP USA-funded project aiming to enhance the national mid-day meals programme through a home-grown school feeding approach. The event convened leaders from all 14 local governments from the programme districts. This initiative is particularly timely, aligning with the Government's recently approved national framework for home-grown school feeding.

  • A workshop held in Sudurpaschim Province brought together 30 participants from local governments to enhance their understanding of food safety in school kitchens. The workshop participants visited a school implementing the government-supported mid-day meal programme, where they observed a hands-on demonstration of key inspection practices within a school kitchen.

  • WFP delivered 347 mt of food, including rice, vegetable oil and salt, to three districts in Sudurpaschim Province for the school meals programme. This will support mid-day meals for over 110,500 students in grades 1 to 8 across 1,039 schools, promoting health and learning among school-aged children.

  • As part of the earthquake Joint Recovery Action Plan, implemented with the International Organization for Migration, UNICEF and United Nations Populations Fund, WFP is providing a mix of conditional and unconditional cash assistance to 16,700 households in western Nepal. Training in plumbing, masonry and electrical wiring has been provided to 945 beneficiaries, including 180 women. The first cash transfer for 9,160 conditional beneficiaries engaged in public infrastructure rehabilitation of 25 assets has been successfully processed.